Guide: Necrolord WWMonk 9.1 (PVE) Necrolord Windwalker Monk Shadowlands

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18 thoughts on “Guide: Necrolord WWMonk 9.1 (PVE) Necrolord Windwalker Monk Shadowlands”

  1. Hello! First of all thank you for your very usefull guides ! I am a beginner as a WW Monk (in WoW in general, I started WoW 2 months ago) and I aim to make it my main class/spec ! And i have a BIG doubt concerning my covenant choice. I tried Necrolord but didn't had any results since I didn't knew the rotation/opener. I swapped to Kyrian and thanks to your guide I had some results.
    BUT, I don't know which one to choose still because it seems that necrolord is MUCH MUCH better.
    So my question is, to what extend is necrolord better ?
    Is it "impossible" to do BIG keys without necrolord ?

  2. Hello 🙂 first, thanks for your awesome guide 😀 it's really useful for us, monk noobies ^^
    Now I had some questions please:
    – During ur bonedust brew window, since sck is so strong, why not trying to use 6 of those during the 10sec window, instead of using wdp? 1 sck cast is taking 1,5, so theorically, with one reset with tiger paum (to have the missing chi for the 6th sck), we can use 6 of them during the buff window. Is it not better to have one more sck than one wdp? Thanks


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