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i love this guide when stream btw though havent streamed in a week
Yay, it's here and it did not disappoint. Gj Evo
nice man, you show
Imagine someone won't farm the pvp trinket to have a perfekt lineup. ♿🕳️
Гайды это всё хорошо 🙂
Давай больше рофлерских видосов как тогда с арены 😀 (жалко Бихи нет)
А так стараешься, всё круто !
rlly straight forward guide, love it, thanks man
i want your weak aura that tracks your abilty cds
Hello! First of all thank you for your very usefull guides ! I am a beginner as a WW Monk (in WoW in general, I started WoW 2 months ago) and I aim to make it my main class/spec ! And i have a BIG doubt concerning my covenant choice. I tried Necrolord but didn't had any results since I didn't knew the rotation/opener. I swapped to Kyrian and thanks to your guide I had some results.
BUT, I don't know which one to choose still because it seems that necrolord is MUCH MUCH better.
So my question is, to what extend is necrolord better ?
Is it "impossible" to do BIG keys without necrolord ?
thank you 🙂
i always used tigerpalm between sck even in the bonedust window, i will try to avoid that
This is styob ? I will just ohuel
Is there any Weakaura that tracks the amount of spinning-crane-kick stacks?
I'd love to have that only-that.
Oh finaly thx dude !
Hello 🙂 first, thanks for your awesome guide 😀 it's really useful for us, monk noobies ^^
Now I had some questions please:
– During ur bonedust brew window, since sck is so strong, why not trying to use 6 of those during the 10sec window, instead of using wdp? 1 sck cast is taking 1,5, so theorically, with one reset with tiger paum (to have the missing chi for the 6th sck), we can use 6 of them during the buff window. Is it not better to have one more sck than one wdp? Thanks
Боже поч ты по русски не говоришь ?)
Do you think Kyrian is still playable?? Or its just useless now 🙂
Do you think the 226 ilvl pvp trinket is better then a 236 Quantum?
After that focus ? What means focus i dont have ability like focus XD
Great video! I tried to join your discord server but i think the links broken