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A lot of new players are coming to World of Warcraft. As well as a lot of old players returning. Both may use boosts on characters and want to get their gear better for when Shadowlands starts. This gear is iL 100-110. I hope you find this informative and helpful. Please leave a like and subscribe. If you want to help out even more and see live content follow my TWITCH
Hey dude, there is NO AUDIO between 56:26 to 59:01
waitt you dont press keybinds you click them?
whats that addon called
if i character boost my level 20 rogue what armor will i get??
hola dude can u give instagram or others social media for cghat about wow
this dude is a clown no hate but I would not listen to him for a hour about what to do with your freshly boosted character. there's a lot that goes into boosting a character and this is not it. Like picking what class you want to play, what spec you would want to play with that class, and much more. not that you should be paying $60 just to skip 8 hours of time. But i get it some people bought epic/heroic edition and got it with the purchase. consider what aspects go into this. you could boost a character like a rouge… and not know how to play it and then you're screwed with a level 50-53 character that you just CANNOT perform on. been there done that. just think before you actually USE/WASTE a character boost. I recommend class trials and there you will find what you feel best on. trust me.