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its very true that a LOT of WoW youtubers are just reaction channels at this point but some creator like Barny64 put in SO MUCH effort in their videos its insane
jimmy remember taunting something thats attacking you already does nothing and is just a waste 😉 taunt only when a mob isnt attacking you
Please!! Please!! Please keep doing this! This is exactly the WoW content I love to see and never see. Please!!
THey told him to "press bloodrage whenever"??! Oh god
puts a spot for reactors to not be in the way, immediately puts a pic in that spot to get covered by a webcam 😂
uhhh… bro the crashes is definitly somethig on your pc, i never got a single crash and for sure i use like x4 the addons u probably use
Barny: "STAY AWAY from the edge of this bridge"
Barny: "also you can do this jump to save like 5 seconds"
Rewatching this knowing (SPOILER FOR NEXT EPISODE) Uberdanger dies in Wailing Caverns is so funny.
is that flutten from the hoof hearted clan????
Seeing the content creators i watch interact like this is a bit like the Jimmy Neutron crossover episode
You're my favorite WoW content creator, and that's saying something… since you are a runescape creator. Either way, love these WoW vids.
I love this. So many memories
J1mmy coming to my favorite game is PEAK content. Thanks J1mmy.
the transformer ruined the video
My game never crashes and i’m often running 2 copies at once. odd :p great video
Hearing Barney's voice be this different from what it used to be is fucking terrifying.
dr bones and the cow people was an interesting part of the video
I did not realize that was Barny talking the entire time…..
Just go down there and try to not get in the way lol
Get rid of Yeetskank.
Why has Barny changed from sounding like a dude to a twelve year old girl
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