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You know Ret is pumping and our Shadowlands Retribution paladin guide is here to take you through talents, gear, stats, legendaries, the retribution paladin shadowlands rotation and a lot more! Ret is looking better than ever since a very long time with great burst and a decent consistency, especially in raids but don’t get it twisted, the ret paladin mythic plus performance is amazing too 🙂 There is a talk around the best ret paladin covenant and we do make it clear in the vid but hey if you want to learn how to play ret paladin than watch our retribution paladin guide until the end and remember, sub to MarcelianOnline for even more shadowlands class guides to come 🙂
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now you're Talking, Holy Spenders ~!
Come ooooon I just decided I wanted warrior now I'm double guessing ret again
aw fuck I picked Venthir and now everything is wrong! I PICKED THE WRONG COVENAAAANT!!! yells at the beached statue of liberty
Yeah Ret guide thanks it’s my main. You guys are the best father / son wow content creators!!!
LOVE the intro
My comment for algorithm… good content
Seen a lot of rets flaccid in dungeons
Pls guide for unholy dk 🙂
Hands down the best wow youtube channel
I've been playing ret again for the first time in a while, have both divine storm and templars verdict lego…. but the thing I've been doing wrong is using final reckoning after Executioner sentence, using it for the damage rather than the increased holy power damage, so thanks 🙂
Commenting for the algorithm. But in all seriousness, best wow channel on YouTube. Any plans of an updated holy priest guide?!
FINALLY! verdict
Venthyr with the Mad Paragon is def alot less intresting but has insane burst along with Ashen Hallow
Nice guide for ret main thx!
Jeeezuz, get to the fucking point already! LMAO! Great video guys
As a ret main i approve this message 😉
Yes thx god lol
Perfecting timing! I just started playing ret
Haste on 5th Place ? More Haste, More Spells, More Holy Power, More Dmg ?
Isn't it :
1. Strength
2. Haste
3. Mastery
4. Crit
5. Versa
Everyone loves burst!!!
Great video! As a long time ret player I appreciate your accuracy, while the players you mentioned in the pally discord are nice enough the discord as a whole is rather disappointing(like most class discords).
Gay spec
I’m Venthyr. What are THE best conduits for mythic+ and raid? Thanks
This was so helpful, i'm strugling with my ret and changing to port every now and then because i'm so lost with ret, i know ret can deliver tons but i'm so so lost, this delivered a great paved way for ret pals all over the world , thank you so much for condensing all this knowledge for us, maybe one day i'm dusting off my eternal purgatory that is priest, but for now, i'm beyond words of gratitude for this great work on Ret Pals =)
I’m ready for the holy and resto Druid guides!
I just started playing Ret 2 weeks ago and I have been amazed at how much damage I have been pumping in M+ doing 20-30k dps on big mob pulls and I'm not even fully geared and optimized yet. Thanks for the Single target advice it helped a lot!