Ranking WoW Expansions: What's #1?

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Despite its flaws… was WoD still a far more engaging expansion to play than BfA or Shadowlands! Warlords actually let you play the game? Bellular’s history playing WoW & ranking the WoW expansions!

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24 thoughts on “Ranking WoW Expansions: What's #1?”

  1. The problem with WoD was that it was the peak/valley of the death of the community experience of wow. Officially the servers social ecosystem didn't matter anymore as everyone just stood alone in their garrisons and used LFG

    Edit: and had 10 alts… traded with themselves instead of others… it became a game for a different kind of person. Or at least, it stopped serving the kind of person that liked the social aspects of the game

  2. I played a LOT of wod. Bar from all the gold and mounts and the amazing levelling which bar from say pre nerf pandaria and pre nerf legion (i never understood why they slowed levelling to a halt at the beginning both times), has always been the case, i felt horrible for playing it. From a casual player's point of view i almost hated myself. Was going through a rough patch at the time as well and needed the escapism but man did it feel fucking awfull. Its not that the expansion didnt have its momments, the dungeons were some of the best wow has to offer and the raids were quite good as well. But man did it get stale and unbearable. Wont even go into the fact that it was the beginning of the ''log in or die'' mentality of blizzard with the whole garrison idea, and the fact that as a horde we had an ugly ''fortress'' while the alliance had a small paradise.

  3. I liked my garrison it was fun, I felt they could of gone so much farther and did so much more with it l but that’s so much of wow, edge you on but stop before the fun starts . They are masters of this. Create a Rando solo dungeon ! Fun ! Make the dungeon have the same look, and mobs, have no rewards , force you to do it , not fun .
    It’s mind boggling , it’s like they have a suck troll at blizzard who takes every fun good idea , and just ruins it

  4. BC was undeniably the best, was it the one I personally enjoyed most? no that was wrath but objectively looking at an expansion to follow up classic wow, BC was perfect it just added to the game no subtraction and no bad system. Wrath at the end we started seeing the implementation of the systems that would later destroy WoW

  5. I started in MoP. I love the idea of doing content as I pleased without the pressure of having to do all these crazy dailies because, otherwise, I’ll start falling behind. I’ve noticed that the most enjoyable expansions are always those that allow me to gear without getting into crazy raiding. That’s why I prefer MoP>Legion> WoD~SL>>>BfA.

    I did enjoy SL somewhat. The aesthetics are pretty darn good. They just let that sink by introducing so many parasitic systems. You have to keep a crazy grind to not fall behind. As a more casual WoW player I burned out fairly quickly with this new expansion. By the time I started doing Heroic raiding I was tired of the system. Same thing happened with BfA (but worse). It was always the same cycle after raids. Not to mention that casual players, like me, have to suffer the slow gearing process. I don’t want developers telling me how to play the game in the spare time I have and much less doing repetitive unenjoyable content in order to gear up and COMPLETE THE STORYLINE!

  6. WoD is the worst Expansion I've ever played since it burnt me out before… Legion. I only played a MONTH in Legion and Quit AFTER. But I don't have like +10 straight years with WoW though…

  7. Ah the days, if i had to rank stuff
    1. Wotlk
    2. TBC
    3. WoD
    4. MoP
    6. SL
    7. Legion
    8. Cata

    (not ranking vanilla cause i played it but i see it as such a core to the game)
    each got their own story vanilla to wotlk i was mainly dealing with an amazing group and guild making it a lovely time. WoD was just great for the matter that I log in to play and anything else no worries no need to force yourself into it pvp was nice to dabble in and felt way cleaner then the extremely long fights of playing a chess game in MoP. MoP on the other hand had a great set of world content to do, and all of these had quite some good raids in them with extraordinary dungeons. Followed up by BfA i had a good time cause of joining in late way later then anyone playing through current at that time and I can understand the pain you guys felt on that. SL has been quite a nice expansion end game wise beside the systems being just done dirty. Legion in my books is a fuck up with how much they went wrong open world was alright raids were nice but the core systems like artifact weapon, RNG leggo, Class order halls, templated pvp (worst bg in the game even) and PvE content that was the only saving grace (mostly the raids dungeons were alright) and then I won't mention the way they changed class/spec design. for the amount of time put into it was just bad with a really bad after effect for the follow up games. as for Cata, well its reaching bottom not due to it being cata and heartbreaking the times I spend in the barrens, but the reason that I was burned through on wow at the time. i had played so much and recently lost my guild which existed for the last 3 expansions (vanilla – Wotlk) that cata just is grayed with me, based on content tho I heard it was quite a nice play time.

  8. WoD was the best expansion because garrisons were great.
    They should have just updated them for every following expansion so they stay relevant at max level.
    Second best expansion was BfA because dazar'alor and vol'dun were great places to be in.
    TBC and WOTLK were probably good expansions at the time but anything from Vanilla to Cataclysm isn´t good for anything except nostalgia anymore.

  9. All these years, and i just found out two days ago, that when pandarens speak in their languaje, me as a human warlock, all it reads in chat is:
    "Om nom nom nom nom nom NOM" Nom om om nom nom nom nom"

  10. for me: lets see, how many are there? TBC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA, Shadowlands, so 8 Expansions. I'm doing this before watching the video.
    Number 8: Shadowlands or BFA. Since I played Shadowlands more, I'll put that as number 8. and BFA as number 7.
    Number 7: As I said, I'm putting BFA here. 7 and 8 are pretty interchangable.
    Number 6: Warlords of Draenor or Cataclysm. Warlords Of Draenor had fantastic leveling, but the praise stops there. Cayaclysm destroyed the old world and thus my desire to play it at all, so Cataclysm goes here
    Number 5: Warlords of Draenor. Warlords Of Draenor had fantastic leveling, but the praise stops there like I said.
    Number 4: For this I'm gonna say Legion. While Legion has some pretty cool shit in it, it also has Artifact power as it core mechanic. I HATE Borrowed power, vbut the reason it's above WoD is the class campaigns, mounts, suramar, demon hunter and nighthold, that was good. that's why it's better than WoD.
    Number 3: Getting harder now, but I'm gonna say MoP, because nothing they did after the first 2 expansions is better than what they did in those.
    number 2: TBC. For number 2 I'm gonna go with TBC purely because I just loved the raiding in it. I didn''t do Tier 6, apart from first boss in Hyjal. still bummed about that, but solid expansion.
    And number 1: Wrath of the Lich King. It just couldn't be any other Icecrown and the Frozen peaks were fantastic zones, even the earlier zones were great. the music in Grizzly hills, dragon blight, just so good. The raids were the Creme da la Creme. Naxxramas was a bit meh, but the rest was solid. Ulduar was so much fun and even the colliseum (tier 9) was quite ok. But the crown juwel was Ice crown citadel. that was just so good. it is also my favorite raid in the game followed by Blackwing lair. a thing to note is that I quit the game before ruby sactum came out, so I have no opinion of that raid. I heard what cata was gonna be and I quit the game on the spot, there was no point in me raiding anymore after that. then I got into SWTOR about 1½ year later and returned to WoW in 5.4.
    so that is my pick: SL =< BFA < Cataclysm < WoD < Legion < MoP < TBC < Wrath. notice that 2 of the worst expansions are the 2 latest ones and number 4 comes after that.

  11. Wrath slightly edges out TBC for me because I absolutely love the asthetic of Northrend, the themeing, the music.. even the story is very well done, culminating in the final battle with the Lich King himself. Legion is my 3rd place favourite because even though there was issues, they just gave us so much good content you didn't care.

    My list; WOTLK > TBC > Legion > MoP > Cata > WoD > BFA > SL

  12. From my personal experience TBC was the best, Vanilla second, Wrath third. I quit toward the end of Wrath just before Cataclysm came out, when it finally became clear to me that Blizzard's design philosophy had completely left players like me behind. Came back to play a few weeks of MoP, because I'd loved the concept of Pandaren since the Barrens portion at the end of Warcraft 3, but the story and gameplay didn't grab me and I didn't have the time in my life to build a new group of friends to play with and drive me forward. Then I came back for the free trial to level 20 in Shadowlands and the gameplay of my favorite class was so different (Paladins now play more like Rogues used to), and the quest pacing into BFA content so jarring, railroaded, and easy, that it turned me off immediately. I still ended up subscribing in the hopes that Classic would be fun but I was too late and the old world zones were already completely dead like they were in Wrath and bots ran unchecked at a level unlike they ever used to. When I learned that TBC Classic would have level boosting and there was hardly any GM support to limit bots I immediately unsubscribed and gave up on the game. The old days of a vast, thriving, and detailed open world full of interesting people to meet and roleplay with and a wealth of hidden lore to explore and do at your own pace with no restrictions; I feel like they're truly dead and gone for this game. They have been for a long time, at least for me.

    TBC at least added new quests to the old world to fill out and improve the leveling experience and keep it from becoming completely stale and unpopulated, despite nerfing the difficulty and buffing xp gain. I had high hopes for Wrath with the addition of phasing being an opportunity to progress old world zones for higher level players without removing old content, but that never happened. Instead they razed the parts of the game I loved most to the ground in Cataclysm and I should have seen it coming, with the gear simplification in Wrath, the faction homogenization instead of enforcing balance on the server signup side and/or working to actually balance abilities while keeping them unique, with forever tweaking the talent system in an effort to keep players from making interesting cross-spec builds to incentivize using them in an "intended" way even when they weren't overpowered in any way, all the way back to when they removed the low level battleground twinking scene (that kept players in low level areas for the challenge of collecting gear to make RP outfits while avoiding xp gain and raising the demand for lower level gear to keep the auction house thriving) by giving battleground xp without any way to avoid it.

    Blizzard has always had a somewhat adversarial relationship with the WoW community, all the way back to vanilla, because they can't let go of the idea that there's a "correct, intended" way to play their game instead of looking for where and how players are having their fun and working to support that when it doesn't come at the expense of others.


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