"Has Final Fantasy 14 Killed World of Warcraft?" | Kip Reacts to Josh Strife Hayes

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Fellow Legends, welcome! Today we dive into an excellent video by Josh Strife Hayes before the launch of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight bringing to the table the discussion of Final Fantasy XIV and if it truly has dethroned the king. Sit down, grab a drink, and let’s dive right in. I do absolutely recommend that you go ahead and check out Josh Strife Hayes as well as the original video to show some support for the source material!

Original Channel: Josh Strife Hayes
Original Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@JoshStrifeHayes
Original Video: Has Final Fantasy 14 Killed World of Warcraft?
Original Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3d0is45Ing&t=621s

Please keep all comments civil and respectful, thank you!

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17 thoughts on “"Has Final Fantasy 14 Killed World of Warcraft?" | Kip Reacts to Josh Strife Hayes”

  1. Hey Kip just wanted to let you know that I always watch when one of your vids hits my page. I know that react content is causing you some headaches right now but i always throw you on when I'm playing ff14 or doing dishes and the like. Keep up the hard work and have a good one!

  2. The problem with WoW is that the devs simply got complacent
    The game changed, but it didn't evolve

    FF14 on the other hand has been changed on a fundimental level so many times to get to where it is now its insane

  3. i never thought Wow was an interesting game …. i never got it and i despise that so many games are just "wow but not "
    Ro , FF14, guild wars 1-2 , BDO , hell even the og secret world are much better games to sink time …. and money into ..

  4. Scaling and class changes aside, I feel like early game in WoW (leveling from 1-to-current) has changed a lot and turned into a bit of a mess, especially when it comes to the "time travel" system (Chromie).

    Thinking about giving FFXIV a go for comparison.

  5. WoW used to have the world and the story you could sink your teeth in to now its really sad story telling random political drama showed in to quests where it dose not belong and really bad community that is desperate to relive the time where they had fun i myself stopped at Battle for Azaroth as that was the first really big crack when it came to the story and world building everything after that has just gotten worse even their Cinematic the thing Blizzard could not mess up are mhe thees days and so full of repeat what we did last time but this time swap a character out whit another one.
    The best evidence we have that the biggest reason why there are still players is buyers remorse is the fact that about 90% of players treat the game like a job raid log weekly dungeon log then sit AFK for up to 30 hours a week in a capital city praying that a streamer comes online this is not the same game i fell in love whit back in the day this is a carcass that refuses to stay dead

  6. No it hasn’t. I’ve played both and both are good games/lore. To be honest the only thing that can kill WoW is blizzard and for FF14 it’s SE. I mean Rift was supposed to kill WoW back in the day 😆and that game is a shell of what it could have been imo.

  7. I don't know how much has changed since I quit in BFA . . but I remember early game for WOW isn't great either. A lot of the newer players are missing context and world navigation because of this one thing Blizzard did.

    They let you choose to level up through any of the old expacs from like 1 to X [forgot the level number] and the moment your character dings to be the starting level of the BFA expansion, you get teleported from wherever you are. Ripped out of the leveling zone you were working through, and plopped in front of the 'Start BFA' quest NPC. People in the past complained about the time it took for people to level up to max. But what was lost in the process was the experience of the entirety of World of Warcraft itself. It changed from 'go explore the world and go on an adventure' to 'Gotta lvl up as fast as I can so I can get to the REAL content.'


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