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Haven't gotten to this guy on H yet, but it's probably my favorite on N. Are you planning to go venthyr when you get double leggo?
RIP no tier set 🙁
Did you have 2 tier pieces on this fight? Thanks for the video!
Well played would be cool to see you post every single boss on your pov so we can learn from your play stylé keep going sensei
You need to make more videos there nothing for demon hunters out rn
was the loot reaction that got me 🤣
Oooooh Trail of ruin viable? Makes the spec feel complete for me. Although in m+ Unbound is pumping hard causing Fel Rush to be most of my damage
Im looking forward for another bosses. Im kinda struggling in some cases with my dh gameplay and watching you I can cleary see what Im doing wrong.
Are you using trail of ruin talent on all bosses?
Hey Jedith, ive been checking up on some keys you have been doing and i noticed you are taking collective anguish over everburn as nightfae. any insight on this? ty
Haha watching that felblade fk up at the start makes me feel okay about when I do it 😅 happens to the best of us it seems
Hey Jedith, could you do an updated guide for rotations for the Demon Hunter? as always thanks for the content
Why aren't you running Veinrippers?
What does his macro in button 1 do?
trail of rtuin is better than glaive in ST?
Is there going to be any content in the patreon like a spreadsheet containing a list of Soulbinds/Talents per raid boss? If so, I would totally pay for that.
Wowhead talks about this ability called Fractal shell where basically the boss encases some of the orbs and they cant be knocked back unless hit by the lightshatter beam. It doesn't seem to happen in this video though. Am I blind or??