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Trailers that tell you the TRUTH about your favorite video games: this week is World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade!
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Honest Game Trailers | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Written by Max Song, Andrew Bird, and Spencer Gilbert
Edited by Max Song
Associate Producer: Ryan O’Toole
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
#HonestTrailers #HonestGameTrailers
Tbf, I migrated to FF14 during Legion in 2017. xD After legion, there was nothing to bring me back to WoW except xpac launches for a month. x.x
And not one mention of the bot epidemic. /slowclap
Burning Crusade aka Blizzard's California escapade
I mean classic wow was better than modern wow, so yea, the game was better back then.
we didn't even have to wait until 2026 – WoW Classic Classic is already on its way
MV rất hay, i like it ✌😃😊
the /played hit me in the heart at the end…134 days :/
No immortal pass and boost?!
Kinda disappointed you didn't mention the boosting and bots.
No Fellreaver joke? Shame!
The truth hurts
the FF 14 joke cuts deep
God damnit Steve. Flame wreath means dont move. Even if its not around you.
Cmon, you know they’re playing cat girls, not catbois
People playing this time are all over 30 and misogynists
Fixed it
lmao its painfully true
"at least" 30 🙂
I thought I feel something about watching wow, but nope… FFXIV take my 💰
It’s all fun and games until you write /played and instantly have a midlife crisis 😂😂😂
what can i say, im having a BLAST, but only because i met a lot of really cool people during Classic and we decided to stick together through TBC. if i didnt have a group of over 20 ppl i genuinely get along with, then yeah, the game would feel like all the things described in this video
this is a classic in australia, please say "let's get two knuckles deep!"
LMFAO this is so Gold.
My /played in classic is nothing.
Well, maybe a month.
My /played in modern however… well over a year.
On one character.
"The couple that only ever plays together" …yup.. seen many many of those in my wow years.
Its funny you said classic classic when now there is season of mastery lol
Do inside
Please take about six months and do a honest trailer for world of warships legends. If you need good game content to help along the way, Tbull has a great channel on YouTube.
"Being the only one left as everyone migrates to Final Fantasy 14" had me rolling on the floor
The whole video was great, but the “Starring” section was spectacular
Do guild wars!
Health, social life and mental well-being were overrated anyway.
We need kingdom come deliverance honest trailer. Royal edition is out, PLEASE!
do elder scrolls online
When I realized my hard-earned raid gear was worse off than the basic "green" gear from the mobs is when I stopped playing WOW!
Do wotlk classic honest trailer
I can't wait for Shadowlands Classic. Then I'll never have to wait to log in
This is when games were good.
Yeah, my brother would just get up and leave to go to his room around 8pm every night back when WoW was a thing. I always thought it was incredibly rude.