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Elemental shamans have one of the strongest utility kits out of any spec in WoW. They have a very short duration ranged kick, multiple emergency heal buttons, a self-rez, and an earth elemental that can help your team get out of trouble.
The pros and cons of ele shaman in Shadowlands beta is that they’ve just not received a ton of updates. The talents and abilities remain mostly unchanged and for the most part that is OK because the core spec was OK in Battle for Azeroth — they just didn’t benefit from borrowed power as much as other specs. If you’ve liked playing Elemental Shaman in the past you’ll still enjoy the spec now. The generally play like a standard builder/spender but with some additional procs in the mix to keep things fresh.
Another great part of news is that the covenants are well balanced and you can pick your preference based upon almost any criteria you’d like. The Vesper Totem for Kyrian is a popular choice because of its short cooldown and ease of use.
Ele shamans have a diverse set of legendaries but the legendary you are most likely to use first is Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise. It’ll give you benefits in both single target and AoE situations and will generally always help your DPS. There are other choices for purely ST and AoE situations but they might not be as generally applicable. As always, this is beta information so be sure to check before you craft anything live!
#Shadowlands #WorldOfWarcraft #shaman
Thanks so much for making these videos! I don't know anyone IRL anymore who plays anymore, so these are as close to a one-on-one conversation I can have about the game!
Cool vids man. Keep up the great work. Show us some gameplay of these specs. You know a ton about dps and it would be great if you could make some gameplay guides for noobs like me.
Thanks for this video! Looking forward to what you have to say about Enhancement!
Awesome video. Keep them coming !
Ele is awesome but… if you dont have a regular group to run with. You might be sitting around doing nothing. The Shaman hate in BFA might carry over and right now, its… bad.
Hey bro. I loved your video presentation. It was positive, wholesome, well edited, well written, good verbage, nice mix of gameplay and focus on yourself. The sound quality was great and the whole thing just flowed. Consider me subscribed. It's sad that the dmg output of ele shams isn't amazing as I want to love playing this class, but being lower on the dps meters is never fun. Though you had some good points in that they have other strengths and perhaps I might focus on those. Hmm ele/resto sham or ret/holy pally :O
Hi, nice video
Just a small tip – if you are talking about some legendary, ability etc, then please place it's ingame info tooltip on the screen (with text, mana cost, cd, damage etc), so watcher can check what you are talking about 
Hey. Thx a lot for the content. Really like the way you explain things. I have a question wich is not about shaman anyways: I didn't play wow for a long time now, and coming back with shadowlands. Any advices if I should buy the game expansion now, or wait for release? Mabye some kind of special offer /pack in view? Hopefully you/someone can help! Ty a lot!
" is not doing the most damange in any situation"
*tops the meters
They need a passive which gives you 60 malstrom out of combat
dps seems ok.I was doing 1.3k on ptr with no azerite traits and only 440 ilvl.iam still scared to roll ele after how bad the start of legion was
elemental shaman is pumping damage with lava burst in beta and the best this is lava burst is NOT tied to conduit ilvl.echoing shock is the only change i care about it gives more lava bursts.
elemental is pumping the deeps right now.
pro ele is fun ……. con it does tank dmg ………… kekw
Making the switch from warrior to shaman and was debating which spec to take up. I kinda wanted to go range but have the option to switch to melee without having to start a new toon and this really helped me get a grip on what’s up. Good content man!
Leaning towards elemental shaman, thank you for your overview!
Biebs I love your videos. They are very clear and concise. One question how do you find the time to make vids with all that you do in the community? Much love man.
I like your face!
Excellent video, I'm looking forward to more!
Shaman is an excellent range dps if you want a more survivable mage class that also has a healer spec. I find shaman to be easier to quest with when your gear is lacking, but scales well and gets even easier with gear. Last few expansions have seen shaman start slow and finish well. Just make sure that you know your utilities. Noone should beat you on interrupts, you should always be the last dps standing, and you can hold the reincarnation to res a healer to save the run back!
This is going to be my range main. I like to have a melee and a range. Love the Echoing Shock ability. I think its going to be pretty powerful for pvp/pve.
Play. Better class I say.