How do I get leg enchants? | 20s Guide | Shadowlands Twinking

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Hey guys sorry I sound so drained in this video. I had a long day but anywhoser. GET YOURSELF A LEG ENCHANT!
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24 thoughts on “How do I get leg enchants? | 20s Guide | Shadowlands Twinking”

  1. Great video once again. I appreciate your continued work in bringing this side of WoW to light. I think a lot of people would enjoy this challenge. Coming from 2200+ Arena and Heroic Raiding, this challenge is definitely different but equally enjoyable all the same. I suggest you post some battleground content as well. I'd love to see it.

  2. omg you have no idea how much ive learned just from your channel alone. I spent hours searching online for many of these tips with no success, and I've found answers to almost all of my questions in just a few of your videos. Thank you so much for this content

  3. just started f2p brewmaster and this ench. is very nice. are there more easy to get ench. for f2p tanks? sry for my bad english, still learning. greetz from Germany 🙂 p.s. whats the best weapon ench. for brewmaster? elemental force or some selfheal / leech?

  4. Are there more "tricks" like these that I can use as a free trial enjoyer of BGs from time to time? 😀 how much time consuming would the other enchants from enchanting be? is it even possible for free trial to have some decent enchants? It is not for the gem slots equip from dungeons tho :/ or is there any way to obtain equip with gem slots? 😀 thanks a lot for the answer 😀


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