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We have seen so many players leave World of Warcraft Shadowlands, is it possible to stop the great WoW Shadowlands Exodus?
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The anger will disappear immediately after an announcement. That is how people work
One thing they could do is alow us to change soulbinbs anywhare that would make a huge difference
Oh man… you really pissed me off several times in this video. I’ll only tell you that you are not taking a lot of things in consideration, and you are putting too much faith in humans.
About stop all these systems gating players.. and Korthia was NOT fun especially as a raider but required because of the conduits/gems. Long rep grinds are not fun.
mytinc rading does not make a Great mmo , where has the wast open landscape with hord vs alliance gone?
Well I don't actually fully agree on the matter on master loot.
Ive bin in a guild over 6 months, beside from invite to a raid after sign up . Than get invited to be then kicked for friends policy. And if you did u still not get the loot and here it's a friends policy once more. Even other guild members did not approve it.
So yes personal loot is the best way for all.
Even do you have trail members or not. Nomather how long this player is in. Even if it's first day They should have loot as well.. why because if guildmaster use user friends policy in a raid guild, than this is as bad as a player joined guild and leave after they got there gear.
So that's why personal loot is the best ever decision blizz have ever made.
And even guild master were corrupted. If its a normal raid guild or hard-core.
There were also players buying for a boost run. And items spoken for. All drops this player payed for this run and were the guild master whispers guild member to not loot. don't loot don't loot. And the player who buyed his spot in. Still not get his items. That's also a verry well good reason for personal loot.
Cause don't try to explain me we or I was not a bad guildmaster. It's just because of guilds that personal loot come to live.
Nope about the Master loot. Unless you’re into the spreadsheet maintenance and never have officer / raid lead turn over.
Been in far too many guilds that implode because of arguments and mismanagement or down right abuse of the loot system.
You said nothing worse then seeing a trial player fuck off with a BIS? I counter with nothing worse than seeing a RL give your BIS to their friend who didn’t earn / have as many points,ect.
Master loot would be one of the things keeping me away were it to return.
Nice elitist tone btw.
Just open up the covenants to be like reps and you can grind out all 4 on one char that sounds like 3x more content for FREE.
Starting by a "we fucked up guys…" not a blue post, a face video sit down with the community, they should have to come to us now. Oh and drop the corporate speak, we need heartfelt words and love for the game and not love for the money
They just pressed the panic button on void elves, going to give them hair colors to look like high elves.
Game developers were replaced with staticians and system designers and there's a vast difference between those disciplines.
I need a tumble weed smiley
If anything Blizzard wants players to leave, "getting rid of the haters" they call it.
today….for one hour in Korthia….it was a ghost town….for a realm with 95% alliance….it was empty…no ally in sight. Rares was up and nobody was killing them… was a eerie sight
It seems like Blizzard changed the dizzy mob dismount hit to 99% or something just to piss off the players….it happens WAY MORE than often now…annoying af