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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #dragonflight
So another Horde player, complains about Alliance racial, you ppl did the same with human racial, and ignoring the op ones in their faction that always remain untuched
I´d love to have the racials as abilities u can choose from instead of being forced to play xyz race because u want ryz effect.
ive been saying for 15 years that they need to disable racials in rated pvp
Why is mechagnome D? I mean, it's not amazing, but heal on low hp. Actually, it used to make a difference when I played fistweaver and got targeted to survive stun when port is on cd, plus pure main stats is the best passive. I can't imagine it being worse then a drenay or maybe even troll
All I want is shadowmeld back to not usable in combat. Like 90% of the pvp population is Nelf and yet blizz doesn't notice or just doesn't care
At minimum, shadowmeld should put trinket on a 30 sec CD like Will of the Forsaken does. Nerfing it to immunity fade would be fine by me (horde player) but might be too much.
I've never been one to push too hard in PvP. Like in MoP i pushed to 1800 and was content with that. I always assumed human would have been S on that tier for pvp racials though. mainly bc it saves you a trinket slot because they have one built into them. i figured the list would have been anything that helps break CC at the top, ones that CC right below those and shadowmeld for druids and rogues, then it would go from there. That's actually surprising to me as a casual pvper
Phase shift idea is brilliant for night elf!
Where is Earthen? I just got an earthen mage to 80. I feel forgotten.
Guaranteed they make these racials ober powered to make money on race swaps
Im really excited about these changes 🎉
More and more you buff a certain racial, someday it will be better than night elfs racial. But must choose racials for certain classes. Not all classes are good for all racials. And vice versa. ❤
get max rep with a race: your warband can now speak their language and use their racial. why wasnt this in the game from day 1?
Problem with n811 is not the racial itsself – wasn’t a problem for years- but the new class/ racial combinations. Like mages, warlocks etc.
EARTHEN? @venruki
they should just remove all racials and make it so any class can be any race. because its clear, the majority of players pick what ever gives either a damage increase or something that negates an abilty, like removing something with drawf or going invis, which are also broken in m+. its kinda a joke, blizz have been all for roleplaying in the past, clearly they just like the idea of it and dont care for it.
Meld should just be an i-frame in combat, and stealth only works out of combat like it originally did in classic.
Meld has the same cooldown as vanish.. and triggers all the same effects as vanish, making it effectively an extra vanish charge, which is literally a capstone rogue talent.
Shut down racials in rated PvP just like PvP talents in PvE. Problem solved.💪😈🤙
It pisses me off that racials are still a talking point in WoW. Literally every other MMORPG out there has gotten rid of any practical racials and you know what? Their players are all happily playing a varied amount of races that they like the looks of. None of them have complained about a "lack of identity" behind their races and "my race choice doesn't matter" because they're just vibing and playing whatever they like the looks of. Only in WoW do we have a stubborn community that somehow thinks racial abilities are the end-all-be-all that determines the identity of a race instead of, you know, what the actual race itself looks like.
I swear every single one of you who is currently defending racial abilities as a system and whining that potentially removing them makes "racial choice not matter" is going to forget all about their existence a week in once they remove them. Then you'll realize how little racial abilities actually matter and that, hey, we have eyes and we can see that the actual meaningful difference between the races IS WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE.
oh no horde isnt top oh no lmao
Easy, just make the racial ability an optional choice when creating a character (and call it sth else), if you wanna change it later, you pay for the change. Win for everyone
its not a tierlist, its racial profiling!
I hate the fact that to play any caster outside elemental shaman I am ''forced'' to pick nelf for shadowmeld.
No Earthen, or did i miss him saying it?
How is Kul Tiran A-tier someone please explain.
Just remove racials from rated pvp
Warrior catching more strays with these snares
shadowmeld is useless in raids, looking at power to defeat bosses
if u are the target of a skill pressing it will do nothing, pre melding a skill does nothing
the only thing that meld do in raids is lose aggro
but its a op racial for m+ if all members of the group are nelfs, kinda rare those days since dwarf is the by far the best race for m+
3min cd shadowmeld help?
I just want old character models out I miss my old undead 😭
Another thing about human is that its active CC removal is literally useless for healers since the trinket buff. Thought i might share that here (sad human paladin noise)
Everything should be as good as night elf. Your race should play a part in your character and it doesn't. Nightborne should've gotten 2% more magical damage. Also I find it so strange you rank mechagnome so low when in PvE they're the night elf pick because of their racial (the main stat in combat).