How Il'gynoth Literally Predicted The SHADOWLANDS – Whisper Analysis

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Looks like Il’gynoth and the Old Gods knew a lot more about the Shadowlands than we thought.
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Il’gynoth is a character that we had seen since Legion and even then he had some interesting quotes. Then he reappeared in Battle for Azeroth and provided even more interesting information. While his quotes have been fuel for speculations for nearly 5 years now, with the way Shadowlands are progressing it seems like a lot of these ‘whispers’ were actually related to the Jailer and the Shadowlands in general.

The cunning ones kneel before six masters, but serve only one – strongly related to the dreadlords, as well as Six seats at the high table. Six mouths that hunger. One will consume all others.

Then we have Anduin related ones such as ”The boy-king serves at the master’s table. Three lies will he offer you.’ as well as ‘The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness.’ With the way 9.1 is progressing and Anduin being a new ‘Lich King’ these quotes are starting to make a lot more sense. So let’s examine Il’gynoth’s whispers and how it relates to Shadowlands.

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34 thoughts on “How Il'gynoth Literally Predicted The SHADOWLANDS – Whisper Analysis”

  1. sylvanas already died 3 times though, once as the ranger general, second when she jumped down icecrown, and third at Gilneas when she died from an arrow. anyways, here is something, now we know the lore states the forsaken brokeloose from the lichking, but what if this was the jailers plan all a long, you se he was kind of controlling arthas through the helm of domination, so he could most likely easily have let sylvanas and the others free to roam Azeroth, I also think Sylvanas knew about the jailor long before we got to know it, like maby even already when she died at icecrown.

  2. The Golden One is defs Turalyon, he serves the Light in a fanatical degree, so I think he'll become crazy with power, trying to "claim" Azeroth for his master. I wonder what would Alleria do with this, since she's void-touched… There's a lot of potential for this topic

  3. "The Golden One claims a vacant throne" could very well refer to Turalyon, who since Anduin's abduction to the Maw, has "claimed a vacant throne". Remember in the Rejection of the Gift cinematic Turalyon was really "golden" even his eyes were a golden yellow til Illidan destroyed Xera, then they went back to light brown. Turalyon being a zealot of the Light could be quite dangerous now that he's ruling Stormwind and the Alliance in Anduin's place. We've already seen that the Light is manipulative, oppressive and can not be trusted

  4. And where exactly IS Wrathion in all of this? Considering that he lent his considerable influence to stopping the take-over of N'Zoth and the Black Empire, though it's more than likely that the concerns of land and politics where the fate of the entire world isn't at stake, would be far less pressing. Still, between Wrathion and Ebonhorn, they could at least offer their wisdom to the respective factions, should the need arise.

  5. 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ➜

    》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《



    來調味食物煮的時候%^%^ 1617421281

  6. I mostly agree but 2 things:

    1) The golden one is most prob turalyon cuz he is the golden boy of and zelaot of light and alliance, wears golden shiny armor and has the throne and ruling of stormwind and allience.

    2) The third one most definetely refers to aleria cuz after legion bilzzard added a diolouge just outside of stormiwnd between turalion and aleria, in wich aleria said "i feel like i died 2 times already" and most players actually have seen it already, i rly believe blizz puts this on purpose. Also we all know alerias void conection so it makes sense and it helps turalyon theory too….

  7. Xal'atath has a line when you face Il'gynoth in the Emerald Nightmare that implies that he is a part of N'Zoth.
    It appears the prison of N’zoth is not as strong as it once was. What you see is a tiny growth of the behemoth that may yet consume your world. (at Il'gynoth the Heart of Corruption)

  8. The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness. This Whisper refers to Turalyon as he is currently sitting on the throne of Stormwind in absence of Aduin and as for Hour of her Third Death its not Sylvanas because she was shot dead by Genn Greymane during a quest in Tirisfall or Silverpine Forest but was resurrected by her Val'kyrs

  9. There is a theory by Shinies and Luckydoos that suggests the 5 keys are the 5 original paladins of the Silver Hand and the virtues they each embody based on the Libram they hold/held. So if this is the case then there is one left still and that would Turalyon.

  10. I honestly doubt we'll kill Sylvanas in the Sanctum of Domination. Also, even if she does die she has 3 Valkyr left, and even without them she would probably just end up back in the Maw like all souls are.

  11. Also, Turalyion looks to be the one been referneced in thq quote. Anduin cant be in a vacant throne if he is the heir after his father died and he being the prince… A throne is vacant when theres no one with the rights to sit on in, so someone gets called to work as the king until someone with the right to be one apperars. Being Anduin captured made vacant Stormwinds thrown, but not before. SO is Turallyion now sitting on it. Looking how he blindly folllows the light, and having Alleria controlling the shadows, that quote is more likely referencing to both.

  12. Hey guys, why are we always assuming it's a 'dark' or 'chaos' force that is trying to 'consume all others' etc? Bliz have said repeatedly that our perception of the alignment of the cosmological forces are our perception, not what the forces see themselves as.
    Look at the situation: void lords have been smacked about in Azeroth, Disorder have been smacked off Azeroth, and the linear path of this expansion is that Death are going to be smacked out of Azeroth…
    What would this lead to? The light, life and order gaining power and influence, obviously. We already know light is not as innocent as we'd like to think and IMO order have already had their way with Death (Shadowlands reeks of it). Light now have the proxy alliance leader on Azeroth in Turalyon also (also look at what happened when life had control of a planet until order came along-in chronicles 2 can't remember the name)…so this sets light up pretty well for cosmological domination, no? Certainly Azeroth domination.
    On that note, crazy as it may be. What if the void and Death forces actually just want a balance as they realise in a world of only Death or Void there would be no purpose of either force and they'd effectively end themselves….what if N'Zoth and the whispers have been warning us all along (as they've claimed) our own best interests from the start.
    What if we're too blinded by our concept of right and wrong that were blind to the actual truth. It's light and order that have no care for our existence. It's void offering to save us, or death offering us a change for the better. Light and order always strive for the extinction of the other forces.
    You don't hear that in the whispers or dialog from the 'dark forces'.
    Is that worth thinking about or considering?


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