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Enhancement Shaman 2s w/ a Destro Warlock in Shadowlands. Had alot of fun and I’m really enjoying the overall experience of the new expansion. I hope you guys enjoy the video, if so make sure to leave a comment down bellow
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we are your friends claak <3
Came here to see if there was enough talk
You are the only reason i main ench shaman
You have friends 😇. I'm down to play some 2s with you if you are down
i accidentally ended up maining shaman and couldn't be happier (was supposed to main rdruid as usual but ended up so far into all the new systems that i said fuck it i'm not doing this again on another character for a while). enhancement feels like it did back in WoD when i first picked it up but it's even more fun now, especially since aoe isn't just fire nova spam lol. so happy to have found an enh content creator 😀 keep it up my dude
Love it man kool to watch wish I could play my enchanc like that 👍👍
Great vid! What's ur addon for see the CD on the health bar of the ennemies?
Can I try ranked arenas with 170 ilvl and no legendary or no chance?
widepeepoHappy <3
Seguramente no vas a entender lo que estoy escribiendo pero me gustan tus videos! Soy SV Hunter y no paso los 1200 de raiting porque no encuentro compañero fijo y soy manco, jajajaj
Yo claak u tryna run double enhance wit my 188 sham???
I wish Claak would ask me to play 🙁
Was waiting for this vid the whole day, thx for the upload keep it up my man
You give me hope for enhancement lol. Though I still cant deal with rogues
Tell that to one shot rogue
Clark's always that friend who calls you out of the blue "hEy, YoU wAnNa HaNg OuT?"
What’s the addon that shows there cooldowns in use next to their nameplate?
You've become my favourite wow YouTuber. Thank you for the enhance shaman gameplay.
Yo =) whats the addon that is showing enemycooldowns next to the nameplates?
I have plenty of time to leave a content since i would never consider skipping an ad on a Claak video, ENJOY THE MILLIONS HOMIE! /mrmaajkel in chat KEKW