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How to get Companions in Shadowlands Guide | Mission Table Companion Farming
In this video you will learn the two ways that you can get Companions in WOW Shadowlands. In Shadowlands we have Mission Tables which need a certain amount of Companions to be worth it. This video will show you how to get companions fast in Shadowlands. How to get Mission Table companions Shadowlands is a video detailing the best methods to farm companions for mission tables in Shadowlands.
The addon we use for this Mission Table is called Venture Plan which you can download from Curse Forge.
The Best Way to Get Companions in Shadowlands
1. Level up Renown rewards Shadowlands Companions.
2. Farming Torghast Layer 5+
3. Watch Erosium who will keep you updated on this method.
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What else would you like to know about Shadowlands?
Meatball and Croman can be used by all Covenants.
I am just getting back into WOW after like 9 years off… I like your videos…. the only issues I’m having is these systems are so different than back when I played I’m not even sure how to even start or how/when I’m supposed too… last time I played Pandaria was most recent expansion and my main is a 42…. I just started back a few days ago
What I wanna know more about is leveling from 50 to 60 fast. And no way will I drop my proffs for herb,mine and collect that way, had cloth and alcy since the beginning and have many plans u can't get anymore. Without changing proffs what's fastest? 48 toons and so far 26 done 22 to level from 50. Takes me about 14hours and get where I'd like them to be.and still gotta keep up with 60s weekly stuff. Good vids keep them up. Looking for dung spammers to level each week seems best.
you have no idea how much i yelled at you for leaving Meatball…….. poor baby Hogger he is such a great follower
Thanks for this video i got 3 Followers in 15 minutes in Thorghast on Level 5.
I figured out if there is Indigo or Galeth on floor 1 there is a companion on floor two. Maybe not every time but it happend to me three times in a row just now on level 5.