How to play Discipline Priest in 2022 – WoW Shadowlands PVP

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“Discipline Priests prevent damage by shielding their allies, leveraging shadow magic to deal damage while simultaneously healing their allies with use of atonements. Disc Priest also have to carefully balance their choices of healing and damage throughout a fight, or they will become unbalanced and start to hurt their allies or themselves”

Discipline priest is probably the only class I can think of that can be played in more than couple ways. Which means, there are many ways you can accomplish the same task by taking different routes. In this video I will explain some concepts and ideas that I have personally learned playing Disc priest in Shadowlands 2v2 and 3v3 Arena.

I also encourage you guys to discuss you thoughts in the comments section, since disc priest is so versatile, I am certain that everyone has their own opinions on best practices so if you have any advice or thoughts, please share them below. Now lets get started with talking about some of the core concepts.


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