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I’ve set up a ton of characters for the Deck, and I take you through the entire process to do the same.
00:00 – Addons
05:39 – setting up UI
10:50 – plater
13:08 – weakauras
16:40 – keybinding with consoleport
Where do you get RedtuzkUI from? It doesn’t show up in Wowup search.
You’re a legend
how do you copy/paste for WAs?
Is there another UI you'd recommend since Red Tuzk isnt on WowUP or CursedForge?
hi man how do u keybind the 4 buttons in the back R4 R5 L4 L5
Durdadurdadiddlyderdader. 🤡
Neither wow up or curse Force will detect wow from the SD card
Thank you very much for posting this. Subscribed !
Hi, Can you upload video for world of warship played on ally, Please and thank you
I cant get my chat working. I keep opening up in game tabs while i am typing. Extremely annoying :/
I've done macro on PC and Steam Deck. Both seemed to work (reloaded UI) yet it hasn't changed anything? My keybinds still change on one platform if I change on the other. Any advice?
can you post the profile strings, the ones you use dont exist to download as addons any more.
Redtuzk no longer appears to be available