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hOw to-Shadowlands Patch 9.1-How to start / unlock Suramar questline (4NEW! Player in Shadowlands)
Shadowlands Patch 9.1
Chains of Domination
How to start the Suramar questline
back in legion Suramar was an EPIC! max-level zone
in Shadowlands you still need to unlock it and do all the quests
there is no escaping from this
if you are looking for your Hidden Artifact Weapon Appearances
level 45 can start (Trail of Echoes) the Suramar storyline
from Khadgar’s in The Violet Citadel in Legion Dalaran.
Trail of Echoes
Use Khadgar’s Wand to find Arcane Echoes and track down First Arcanist Thalyssra.
the good news it wont take you long time before you do most the quests at lvl 60
Suramar Cinematic 04:02
MUSIC Sample : Suramar Intro Music – Blizzard Entertainment
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Royal Phalanx Gaming
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Hmmmm…Khadgar doesnt offer the qest for me: 🙁 Can you please help?
bro it says I'm at Dalaran but I'm in the Northrend not the broken islands, is my game just bugged or what?
returning player here. I cannot find the quest for Insurrection but i Finished the storyline and good surumaritan :/
i just boosted a character to 60 and cant find the quest to start the questline
special request : in Shadowlands you still need to unlock it and do all the quests (there is no escaping from this)
the good news : it wont take you long time before you do most the quests at lvl 60