HUNTER PETS GUIDE – Fantastic Beasts of Shadowlands!

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Fantastic Beasts of Shadowlands, and where to find them! This video is your one-stop-shop guide for the most unique and cool-looking tameable Hunter Pets in Shadowlands expansion of World of Warcraft.

Learn about 16 coolest pet families that Beastmasters would want to get their hands on as they level to 60 in Shadowlands, saving yourselves the time of chasing the ones that won’t suit your playstyle, and targeting those that would!

Please enjoy and don’t forget that Sharing is Caring! Share the video with your friends, and subscribe for more! 👍

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📑 Table of Contents

00:00 – Intro
02:15 – Larion
02:40 – Phalynx
03:50 – Etherwyrm
04:30 – Marrowjaw
05:42 – Bloodtusk
06:55 – Galescreamer
08:26 – Tauralus
09:07 – Shadowstalker
10:00 – Grazer
10:44 – Gorm Carapid
11:50 – Gulper Toad
12:25 – Hound
13:22 – Gargon
14:05 – Dredbat
16:09 – Hounds
17:10 – Mawrats

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❤ HUGE THANK YOU for the Free Music by these amazing people:

TheFatRat – Jackpot:

#hunter #pets #shadowlands


19 thoughts on “HUNTER PETS GUIDE – Fantastic Beasts of Shadowlands!”

  1. There's actually three Phalynx colours 🙂 there's the dark one, the "holy golden" one and a silver one with blue crystals. The silver ones hang out in the same area as the dark ones! I have a silver and a dark one and one's my "stable pet" for the 2nd active pet skill. So I'm going double Robo Lion!

  2. The Gargons can be tamed with a book from a Revendreth rare with a guaranteed drop rate 🙂 It is near that one side quest area where you must help one of the vampires duel with another one at a broken castle

  3. Hey man! Just wanted to say, I found your content recently (first video was the "How to gear up in the Shadowlands Prepatch" or something like that) and I'm extremely impressed! I play a ton and I still get a lot of use out of the research and information you compile.

  4. I'm underwhelmed by SL pets – I'm very picky, only tame unique mobs that retain their names after taming, so that certainly limits my options – nevertheless, I find the challenge of Tmogging to suit my stable of unique pets a fun way to stay engaged with the class. I get that SL is all about afterlife and whatnot, not necessarily full of beasts of all kinds, but I was hoping for more tameable elites, bosses, rare mobs, etc

  5. I’m just returning to Warcraft after a break from Battle for Azeroth and really enjoyed your introduction to the new pets we’ll see in the Shadowlands. Good job with your video. This is getting me excited for the content Blizzard has built for us. I especially find the list of topics with timestamps you place at the beginning of your videos to be very beneficial. That is a great addition for those of us who like to watch a video all the way through and then repeat certain parts again to take notes. Thanks and… Go Hunters!


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