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I always knew that hunters were bigger psychos than warlocks and this proves it!
So true
You always put a smile on my face with your videos. Thanks. 👍
Another day, another great CaptainGrim video
Бляяя, я неправильный охотник, почему то на каждом вайпе я умираю вперед пета) Потом ресаюсь, а пет стоит рядом довольный, забафаный)
The removal of the loyalty system and it's consequences has been a disaster for petkind.
Dont show DEHTA this😢
Should of add tge detail of tge pet still having the name <Bear>
Like the Joker said in the Dark Knight: "You see, in their last moments people show you who they really are." lol
Well I use the same pet since over 9 years. I caught it on the echo îles.
This is hunters be like 😂😂😂
That split second raised eye brow smirk had me more than the explosion itself
I needed a min to gather myself after how freaking chaptic this short was, is this from a video your working on or is it just a short?
Are you sure this isn’t a warlock in disguise 😂?
Yeah, but I gave it some rotting meat a few days ago, so it's fine.
Dang, I still remember the days I could tank 5 elite mobs at once. Then the Legion nerf happened.
So happy that u back ❤️🤣
I know pets can't run away any more, but I still feed my bear plenty of Basically Beef every time I have to res her
This… kinda happened to be yesterday while leveling in draenor, 6 bloodthirsty orcs rushed due to poor coordination from me and I ran away whilst my poor pet kodo took the brunt of it.
You will be avenged Snuggletooth.
any hunter (especially BM) that doesnt name their pets be like
No way, my pet kills Krosus with one hit.
This video isn't truthful at all.
Yeah, Zekvir one-shots him, but my pet is Rezan, an undead tyrannosaur – nothing scares him anymore! 😀
I miss old hunter pet customization
lmao this is so true
As a Hunter who calls himself the Wolf Lord of Azeroth, f**k that knife ear. A TRUE Hunter is one with their Beasts and fight as one!
as a former hunter main (ive since moved onto warlock) i feel a bit called out here.
Haha love it
LMAO, my Highlands Warg Peaches is a G
What else can we do as hunters, they make us shit if they barely touch us XD
Should've shown the new pet being released moments later in favor of a named rare or alt color that's "better" 😂
The last few frames sends me into a fit 🤣
i was waiting for the hunter to get in a bad situation and just straight up runaway without the pet after that speech
"I didn't sign up for this shit i just wanted tough jerky every 5 minutes"
This eyes hahahahha😂😂