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Armory: Markers on Gorefiend US
Just to reiterate….night fae IS NOT BAD xD. I prefer night fae at the end of the day. I WILL BE BACK!
ALSO Updated Resto Druid Guide Coming soon! Necro Edition
what leggys/talents you run with necro then ? any changes ?
what a coincidence! I decided to swap to necro this week as well on my druid!
Dude I’m excited to see the amount of damage you can do as necrolord! LEZZZ GOO!!!
Well this comes out just at the time i reached 2.1cr thanks to your guides and switching night fae, i was necro at first, eventho the pressure is great it felt kinda boring to me, and the full flourish is already really strong i feel like it doesn't need the adaptative swarm on top to keep your health at max, even against a ret or whatever, but i'm curious to see your next videos ! 😀
Welcome to the necrolord club. Btw, resist the temptation to go Circle of life and death. It doesnt add as much damage as it seems to (trust me i bid hard on that, got it as my first 235 legy). In case u wanna see something crazy just try boomkim root damage talent with the swarm. Its INSANE dmg. 4k+ tic DOT. HF bro
I want to try necro as well but in m+ necrolord is so trash (nf so powerful) that I cannot
Hey Mmarkers can you do a short vid on how to deal with purges effectively? Shaman and Priest really difficult to deal with, I'm new to resto druid so I'm not used to being so purgable
everybody quit playing rdru except you..
Necro is insane 🙂 welcome to the necro family bro!
Did they finally fix Master Shapeshifter? I quit wow about 2 months ago… my teammates were just getting crushed through my heals… switched to Holy pally and it was so much easier… but I didnt want to play holy… missed my druid… it was just near unplayable.
Once again with the top tier content, love the videos.
I'm venthyr atm for my guardian druid and had great success in RBG's with resto too with Ravenous Frenzy and Inc: Tree but I play way more resto than Guardian. Might be time to prioritise Resto and switch to NF or necro