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I finally got invited to the War Within Alpha for World of Warcraft. And since joining, I’ve had the opportunity to play as the Earthen race, quest through the available zone, do delves, hang out with Brann Bronzebeard, explore the new Heroic Talent system, and more. So with this video, I want to share with you all my first impressions of the Alpha; both the pros and the cons, the good and the bad. I hope you all enjoy!
0:00 Intro
0:55 The Adventure Begins
9:51 My First Delve
16:43 The Pros
19:09 The Cons
*(Use “NIXXIOM” for 20% off)*
🎼 My Music –
😎 Animation Effects –
Took awhile, but I finally got to play the War Within Alpha and experience things first hand. Don't worry! I didn't include any sorts of spoilers in here, other than the fact Blizzard now has dwarves worshipping the Omnissiah from Warhammer 40k. Which is, in my opinion, is a great addition to the lore. After all, who needs flesh when there is the eternal machine? Anyway, enjoy!
99$/year addon…? not the idea of ad i would think when i watch your YT, talking about the health of the game and all..
great video tho
Finally can start saving money by not playing wow
still getting sponsored from illegal addon lmao
Promoting paid add-ons? Oh Nixxiom. You're better than that, come on
Looks boring. Just like the last few expansions. Go pew pew big numbers mash buttons mindlessly and win. Delves is a dissapointment. Why they couldn't make them a literal solo dungeon and add these stupid mechanics is beyond me. Something doesn't need to have a bunch of fancy mechanics to be fun.
The Art in this expec looks really terrible
I really don't know about Zygor, Mate
Why do you keep advertising an add on that is against blizzards TOS?
It's feeling like SL 2.0 to me…i.e I'm not really interested yet and not seeing "the grip" as you say. Nothing is making me want to play this other than the awesome QoL features. Hopefully it will be good in time
Damm man i hope you are ok, health comes first.
What is the point in playing WoW these days? It's the same things every expansion. Almost everything about this just screams "meh".
omg am i happy one of my favorite streamers/youtuber's is still alive. i can't imagine the trauma physical or psychologically that you are going through right now.
almost got Isekai'd
Oh shit! I'm glad your safe nixxi
Glad your okay nixxiom!
Car crashes are scary I'm glad you're okay brother❤❤
Meh underground zones.
Alpha is going weekly with each week focusing on different zones. That's why you were put into seemingly random place and level.
Beta should be more representative of actual "release candidate" gameplay so to speak.
wha theres larp in sc?! i go to work each saturday in sc tffffff
Dude.. Stop punching drunk drivers!
Glad you're okay man, drunk drivers suck!!
Years and still no player housing pathetic!!!!
I wouldn't say Dragonflight's quest progression is "A nice little blend of action and storytelling"
I have 86 screencaps of "Objective: Wait and watch something happen until you can progress" objectives, and have autistically timed them all, there is 1 hour and 38 minutes of just standing there in Dragonflight's story quest progression. They didn't blend the storytelling with the action, they just keep forcing you to sit down and watch an unskippable cutscene. In fact, before being patched, you had to wait 1-15 minutes for the boat that brings you to Dragonflight, and then 6 minutes of unskippable RP dialogue before the first quest to even fight something.
The only way delves are gonna be good is if Blizzard designed a few dozen of them. They shouldn't feel like a procedural ai generated instance like Torgast did, as it felt stale very fast. These should be singleplayer or up to 5 men dungeon-like instances with each having an intentional design. If it feels like another procedurally-generated chore players are forced into doing in order to stay relevant, this expansion will be yet another failed retail expansion.
At one point we we're like, it's okay, we're blasting enemies because this is low level. But now, the current expansion combat is also boring because you still feel like a god between mortals when playing lol
I just hope the lore kicks off and gives that warcraft 3 world building , which could take warcraft forward for the next decade.
Great to see a very honest impression of the alpha, exactly what I expected from you and it's why I am always interested in what you have to say about the game. Playing with a broken pinkie sounds hard but I'm glad you got to play the alpha and make this video, I'd very much enjoy seeing you stream whenever you feel inclined to do so. I don't really play WoW or any MMOs anymore but your content never fails to entertain and inform.
I know it seems lazy, but I personally love when you see little things in your favorite games that possibly hint to the developers love of another game! The Robot clan that looks just like the people from 40k makes laugh thinking the dev of the zone prob plays 40K a lot and had a big impact on there life so when makin the zone they thought of something they personally thought would look really cool.
An ad for a paid addon? The fuck timeline am i in? This is okay? Ive not played WoW in a minute…da faq is wrong with y'all
bless the Omnissiah!
That zone literally looks like Zaralak Caverns where the mole people are. Not a fan of it whatsoever.
Here before the “How to fix The War Within” video a year from now.
Torghast was supposedly "bad", because it was mandatory, even if you wanted to just M+ or PvP.
Delves are completely optional for folk that don't want M+, thus should not be considered a chore if you are already active in other venues of endgame.
Delves are not Solo only, they're Flex.
man I just started playing wow again since MoP and since found your channel. Your the fuckin man keep the vids up.
so glad that you’re okay Nixxiom!! that must have been terrifying
Its time for this game to be at best 5 bucks a month. Value to cost really doesnt match.
Preferably I dont wanna pay for game with game-store
This dude is so negative has he even played wow or is he just a noob
Thank the gamer gods you are safe from your accident!
Is this game still pay to win with tokens? Or did Microsoft keep tokens?