Shadowlands – Sludgefist Heroic Castle Nathria Kill! Affliction Warlock POV!

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Here is our kill of Heroic Sludgefist from raid this week! We had 4 total pulls on the boss.

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16 thoughts on “Shadowlands – Sludgefist Heroic Castle Nathria Kill! Affliction Warlock POV!”

  1. Can someone help me with affli aoe? Should I try and spread a few dots on everyone and let them run out or do I just put them on like 3 people and keep them up?

  2. Nice kill and i hope you'll get Denatrius Asap but i think we all need some M+ video with Afflock atm :/
    I know you might be racing for the raid clear in Heroic and i think you have no interest going in M+ for the stuff but i hope next week we'll see some Aff M+ !
    This GZ !

  3. Thanks to your video, I was able to do a ton more damage and my guild got this boss down tonight. Thank you very much for all the hard work and effort Kalamazi. I can speak for myself and say you have helped me be a better warlock. Excellent video as always. Look forward to your next one.

  4. The number on aff is good and you prove it but i find the mecanism and dots management is really painfull and not really enjoyable. Some increase dot duration make life so much better.

    Great video again. I have lot of thing to improve 😉


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