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what kind of crap is this hahahaha
What a tool
I already knew this innately, but hearing Alex say he gave up games because they weren't conducive to his goals drive the point home. I'm spending more time playing vidya than I am working. It's time to put them on pause and grind. Thanks again Alex.
"this is not conducive to my goals"
I didn't realize this is true for most of my life until my late 20s, I grew up playing video games and I think it's the best thing but if you use all your time playing video games you will not accomplish anything, my parents should have told me this a long time ago.
"i used to be a gamer. then i started chasing women and became a drop shipping expert and a grifter. now i make videos for dumb people."
best game of all time
real men play wow amen
KOTR is one of the greatest games of all time.
i use to hook up alot than started not to care about it as much and started playing more lol
Not just games. People often get fixated on time spent on games but time used on social media and internet in general can be just as wasteful.
lol man said girls. isnt he married to a man
Hell yeah KOTOR!
wow is shit
Metal gear for me
He just RPGs successful Dan Bilzerian now
I’ve wasted so much time playing wow it’s actually surreal how much dopamine you get naturally when you break the “gamer” lifestyle. Best decision of my life was starting an outdoor hobby.
Wasted an entire summer on Diablo II…not long after that i walked away from gaming. It's a complete waste of your life. Stop now.
Wish I could have had this mindset at 16 now I’m 30 and have wasted most of the prime of my life. Now I get to spend my 30s playing catch up. Short balding bad vision bad teeth. Life’s “great”. no wonder I spent so much of it in fantasy. My potential is gone if it even existed. Honestly getting to be past the point of caring anymore. Some people are lucky and their hard work pays off. Most people are not. These guys making it out to be all mindset and goals and work are full of it. Many people work harder than they ever will to succeed far less. Life is not fair get over it is the saying right. Well I’m over life lol.
Why does he have to make it sound like if you have a car and play video games you're a loser? People can play video games and be normal fucking people. We arn't all living in our parents basements huffing cheeto dust and mountain dew. We have real lives lmao.
are they supposed to be speaking english or mandarin?
What shorts do you wear
I knew a guy in college that had a maxed old school RuneScape account. Then got a perfect avg, and got into a MD/PhD program. While most MMO players don’t fit this, these games do teach long term planning and the consistency needed to reach goals.
What game is in the clip, the guy shooting wolves?
just went through this with diablo 4
alex is definitely a skyrim enjoyer
Sounds like a quitter to me
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos (2002) is where the heart is bros. RTS > RPG
This is what young men need to hear you have to push games aside if you want to achieve your goals. Games a fun but won't get you anywhere in life
Well obviously YOUR goals were not acquiring Thunderfury
Alex basically just said no I don’t play games, I’m not a boy anymore I got b*tches
Dude KOTOR is the BEST I knew I liked you. Played WoW for like 5 years tho
all "girls" u say
KOTOR is the GOAT!
Yep me too, I played Word of Warcraft straight… for… 4…. years…. shit….
KOTOR is amazing
Stars wars knights of the old republic yano! Aww im a fan now

Once i ger filthy rich ill game alot man
The last line….. keep telling myself that everytime I get off task.
RPG gamers become the best entrepreneurs bc you get used to, and enjoy, meticulous and dedicated growth
Don’t like the “gamers don’t have a life” jokes. I am married and have my own business and live a really good life and still play games and I’m in my mid thirties
What snow game was that shown?
He definitely is a gamer, you can see it in his facial expression. But understandable he knows ,if you want nice things in life you have to put aside your utmost loving hobbies to succeed in life.
Bros not a gamer he's a faker body builder or not