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🞂 Holy Priest Logs:
00:00 Intro
00:39 Mistweaver Monk – We knew its gonna be good!
04:13 Holy Paladin – Does not look good in Dragonflight, but now..
07:43 Discipline Priest – Still salty about Oracle Priest
11:10 Preservation Evoker – I expected nothing, but I got surprised
14:52 Restoration Druid – I am biased: THIS IS WILD!
19:15 Restoration Shaman – I am still biased: THIS SUCKS!
22:40 Holy Priest – Still salty about Oracle, but the other one..
24:56 Final Thoughts
#tww #warcraft #warwithin
My main resto sham getting shafted yet again, how surprising (not)
tbf to the shaman test…that wasn't very good play, haha. No Earth Ele, lotta CD's unused, etc.
Aawww man I gotta main resto druid again. Lol I love druid!
I hate rotating abilities gaaawd…
"some players will not be brought into…" Hello resto shamen! 😭
I get why as a content creator you'd want to do that video but A) there's nothing more scuffed than "testing" a healer on normal dungeons and B) assuming that you should keep old talent builds to make the new hero specs work is not a logical assumption to make. Taking soothing mist in a dungeon environment on a mistweaver for example is a bit silly. It's always been an awful button to press it was used for two seasons only because of overtuned talents that are either nerfed or removed in TWW and even back then it wasn't played in dungeon because the throughput was more than enough with fistweaving.
Thanks alot for the update on Hero-Trees.
As a former H Pally from back in SL to now converted RDruid, I really appreciate how they changed up how Resto dmg feels.
The biggest turn down for me when it comes to Drood was how awkward the Shapeshifting to deal dmg feels (Gimme a dollar for everytime I went kitty with Heart of the Wild only for someone to get backhanded by avoidable dmg lmfao), which they compeltly fixed.
Now I am really torn between the H Pally comeback and continuing Drood.
Might decide it on wether Blizzards deletes a few buttons from H Pally and tunes the rest to actually have any form of feelable impact.
Great Video. Have you given Melee Wings + Lightsmith a go? I can see how lightsmith does not work with shokadin, because shokadin seems more suited for herald.
Ah, after your tank video I have been waiting for this!! I understand this isn't a super in depth look into each hero spec and that as other comments have said, the actual efficacy of each hero spec may be different in live gameplay once new talent setups have been worked out and all the tools of each class are used more effectively by people who main the classes (specifically referring to the resto shaman segment here), but it's neat to get a rough idea of how they may play through this video 🙂 ty for posting!
I really hope this doesn’t end up being the case.. One Hero Spec being better for Raid and one for Mythic, is BAD! They should BOTH be good for both, or else there is no choice and you’re stuck feeling bad about what you want to play.. just like with Covenants in Shadowlands, and look how that turned out. 😒
I wish all of y'all a wonderful time in the Beta! Please check it out, and test YOUR favorite healer! I was not sure to do a Healer Video, since there are more qualified players out there judging Healer Performance! Gameplay & Class Fantasy was on my agenda in this video, and just reflects my personal opinion!
I really enjoyed this video. Alot of insights through propper testing. GJ earned a 👍🏽 and a sub.
Great video, I feel like the only Holy Paladin that's excited for lightsmith lol
Your the first kitty weaving rdruid I've seen do content on the wild build. Hopefully it's really good, I love kitty weaving hit 2863 io doing it in shadowlands
when i buy base edition (50euro) i can play beta guys ? or i should buy epic edition to play it
Is there any healer that DOESNT rely on damage? I hate it I hate it I hate it
Thanks for this video, literally seen like zero content from TWW.