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Just a quick update on how to install and manage addons, some things changed this year and we’ll cover it quickly in this 3 minute guide!
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Improve Your Damage (ANY CLASS:)
Addons for NEW and RETURNING players!:
🌎 Lets connect live and build community!
🎵 Music
Intro song: Sappheiros – Celestial
Thanks for watching! Stay tuned for more! 🤙
NEW GUYS: Did you know you can change the appearance of your armor? Check it out! –>
just had to do this morning lol my cures forge won't open because over wolf is missing some file that windows doesn't support
this is the first video of yours in QUITE some time where you didnt say 'predators thirst is gonna give you that 10% leech'
i miss it already
Wowup all day long for addon management, free, simple, no ads, low memory, no data scraping, works, one click done perfect.
@xBLUMONKEY my guy i joined a Heroic raiding guild i was only 202 ilvl as BM with Rylak legendary and was beating the MM hunters on DPS on the boss's!!! They switched to BM for the next raid and undergeared i still beat em but they are so happy to be able to run Beast Master again. Thanks for all the early advice when i came back a few weeks ago! 😀
Hi I have a question what kind of weapon do you have or is that a transmog
amazing thanks !!
Name of your addons bro?
My game folder looks nothing like this.
Super helpful video Monkey good looking out bro
Ok, I just deleted my Cache Old, Interface Old, WTF Old (The others were still there). I then made THOSE folders Cache Old…etc. Reinstalled everything on Overwolf and nothing. Had everything installed on Overwolf. Soooo…what the hell do I do now?