I want World PvP to exist in World of Warcraft, so here's how to fix it

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I want to talk about how I want PvP to exist in my MMORPGs.

In this video I basically give a verbal essay on how to improve PvP in MMORPG’s, why world PvP deserves to exist in MMORPG’s, specifically why world PvP should be the default on WoW private servers where there are no options other than a single default realm, and I then give you guys my personal Code of Conduct that I have been pushing, advocating for, and living by in regards to PvP for years (that some of you may recognize) and how I believe this should not only be enforced in MMORPGs, but added too as we as a community come up with more fair and honest additions to it.

I then end the video by commenting on various “Integrity Changes” that should also be added to the game and/or considered in order to limit the worst parts of PvP, so that we can keep MMORPG’s the way their name implies: Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games, where you live in a brand new world.

👉Want to see more general gaming content from me? Check out my most recent ES:IV Oblivion series!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8Ik4qXZfgUgqApLQtZvCvNZ-6b9gUu7h
0:00-0:57 – Intro
0:58-2:58 – PvP is part of the game
2:59-5:33 – Why World of Warcraft is a PvP game
5:34-6:56- MMORPG’s have been reduced to a fragment of their former selves
6:57-8:47 – PvP is not synonymous with toxicity
8:48-13:56 – Redefining PvP in the context of an MMORPG
13:57-17:57- What should NOT be allowed in PvP?
17:58-22:06 – “An appeal to Reason”
22:07-24:39 – “In regards to unfair advantages”
24:40-29:14 – Explaining the “Predator v. Prey dynamic” and looking at 25 druid v 17 hunter
29:15-34:30 – The Mcdoubles PvP “Code of Conduct” that we should use to balance our MMORPGs
34:31-37:02 – “Integrity Changes” for PvP
37:03-39:34 -“The people who want to PvP will PvP” – an engineered, self-fulfilling prophecy of failure
39:35-43:45 – PvP is NOT your enemy
43:46-44:28 – Final Thoughts

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🎵 Music🎵
DJ Nautilus – WoW Remix – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=369emX5hYSQ&t=27s
OSRS Remixes – OSRSBeatz – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs1rnF_c_VSg74M5CQ-HKWg

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#pvp #mmo #vanillawow #mcdoubles #mmorpg #gaming #pvpserver


24 thoughts on “I want World PvP to exist in World of Warcraft, so here's how to fix it”

  1. The problem is that ever since retail I've been a filthy casual. I've been playing wow while having a family and trying to see all of its content… I know I'm an absolute tard. But I've murdered and been murdered a 1000 times in pvp. Do you know how many times I've killed ragnaros? Twice!
    I know I suck, that's fine. I ain't getting no more gud. This is it, I've platued. I just want to see ony and nefarion get ganged in person

  2. Since PvP is one of the things your intrested in, have you tried other game with more PvP focused gameplay?

    Looking forward to Ashes of Creation, it looks like WoW classic mentality and game speed, but with a big focus on pvp! One of its features is going to be corruption, a negative buff that you get if you kill "grays" and when the debuff becomes big enough, you can actually drop gear when you get killed. Dire consequences for those who believe "world pvp is ganking grays"

  3. Player versus Player (PvP) combat has been a staple of the World of Warcraft (WoW) experience since its inception. PvP has been a significant part of WoW's gameplay and has contributed significantly to the game's success. PvP offers an exciting and engaging aspect of the game that adds another level of challenge and depth to the overall experience. In this essay, I will discuss why PvP is an essential part of WoW and why the game should be more PvP focused.

    Firstly, PvP adds variety to the game. Players can choose to engage in PvE (player versus environment) content, where they fight against computer-controlled enemies, or they can engage in PvP, where they fight against other players. This choice allows players to have a diverse range of experiences within the game, which keeps the game interesting and engaging. Without PvP, the game would become monotonous and lose its appeal.

    Secondly, PvP provides a sense of competition and challenge. In PvP, players must use their skills and strategies to outsmart and defeat their opponents. This creates an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, where every encounter is different, and victory is never guaranteed. This sense of challenge and competition motivates players to improve their skills and gear, which adds to the longevity of the game.

    Thirdly, PvP encourages socialization and community building. WoW is a massively multiplayer online game, and PvP allows players to interact with other players in a unique way. Players can form alliances and fight together, or they can fight against each other, creating a dynamic and ever-changing social experience. PvP also encourages players to work together to achieve goals, such as capturing objectives or defeating opposing factions. This fosters a sense of community and camaraderie, which is a crucial aspect of any MMO.

    Lastly, PvP is an integral part of WoW's lore and world-building. The game's story and lore are centered around the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance, and PvP allows players to participate in this conflict firsthand. By engaging in PvP, players become a part of the game's story, adding depth and meaning to their actions. PvP also allows players to explore and interact with WoW's vast and immersive world, creating a truly immersive and engaging experience.

    In conclusion, PvP is an essential part of the WoW experience, and the game should be more PvP focused. PvP adds variety, challenge, socialization, and lore to the game, making it a more engaging and exciting experience. By continuing to develop and improve the game's PvP aspects, WoW can remain a dynamic and beloved MMO for years to come.

  4. I'd love to see some sort of world pvp events in zones. Like, a random raid on the other factions town by npcs. Occasionally trade carts between zones that can be raided. Obviously that is difficult to code, and I have no idea how it would be done, but I think that would draw people out into a world for more pvp. Of course following the rules of pvp combat set out in the video as well

  5. For me its as simple as i dont want to pvp, ive been playing WoW since Wotlk and have never really enjoyed it. I just want to level in peace, alone or with my friend group, for the most part. If I wanted to pvp I would just queue for bg's, arena or just flag for it. Its, IMO, never a good idea to force someone who doesnt want pvp into it. If the game was pvp on at all times, why should a player, who doesnt want to pvp, play around player who does, instead of being able to play how they want? Why should they have to run away from their questing area and go somewhere else or wait for that person to leave the area to quest and do what they want?

  6. Think the reason most servers do pve only is for 2 reasons. Pve carebears wont play a pvp server where people who like pvp will play a pve server if they some form of pvp be it arena or bgs.

    Also it makes balancing easier, you dont need to care what the impact of a buff or nerf is in pvp, if there is no pvp.

  7. I play World of Warcraft to enjoy the lore, explore the world, and complete challenges; not to run back to my corpse over and over again because every person on the opposite faction feels that it is their job to kill every person they see that is not on their side. PvP makes sense only when thereis a clear reason for it, such as your faction is trying to control a resource or their encampments are in the way of your progress. Also, killing a player that literally can't kill you back, should be penalized, preferably with negative Xp, the amount of which is based on the level difference. You want to fight low levels then fine you're going to end up low level yourself. Forced PvP subzones such as enemy faction towns or mines i am completely fine with. Quests that encourage PvP I am also fine with as long as they are contained to areas that make sense. But dying over and over again while I'm just trying to complete a few quests off in the middle of no where just because somebody feels it is their life's goal to end me, pisses me off to no end. It makes me not want to play the game at all. Balancing PvP with your suggestions is fine and all but forcing everyone to play only on PvP servers just because roughly half of the players enjoy it is dumb.

  8. Joke: If WoW was meant to be a PvP server, then why PvE servers were not named PvE but "Normal" before warmode?
    Serious: You assume player are interchangeable and only the character and game knowledge matter. What about a grandma with arthritis or someone born with a neurodegenerative disease; should they be doomed into being easy preys with no recourse?
    Also why is that that every game that tried to force everybody to be a PvP target at all time in open world died?

    IMO: wpvp need hotspots to attract people into pvp.

  9. So to make another comment on this. The only MMOs that have done PvP right are things like Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online (check out the private server, it's cool), Guild Wars 2 and technically Elder Scrolls Online. Big, structured but still open areas designed around the flow of battle/war. WoW never had that, they never even gave it a thought.

  10. I firmly believe that if developers followed the guidelines you laid out it would greatly improve the PvP game experience!! I too greatly appreciate a "fair" PvP interaction with others whether I "win or die". I enjoyed this video great work!!

  11. PvP should be opt-in in WoW, but not the default for all. Not so long ago multiboxing was still a thing in WoW. Any game where there is multiboxing in PvP around is severely broken, and unfun for most players. The issue is that at its core WoW is a casual game, compared to the MMORPGs of its time it was really, really simple and dumbed down. And many people sometime in their life make a transition from teenager/student with tons of time to adult with some time for WoW at best. They still want to play and experience the game, but without any external interruptions and annoyances to that. When playing on an PvP server this is non existant. This is why many people do prefer PvE, to be able to have fun in the game without worries about such annoyances when they've got time. And this is totally fine. And since the player base of WoW mostly aged with it that's the main reason why PvP became less popular over time, because people grew up and most have less time for the game but still want to play it having undisturbed fun. And not some kiddo ganking them in a low level zone, making it impossible for them to level what they wanted to at that day, forcing them to either switch to another character or log off completely. Nothing is more unfun than that.

  12. PvP should be optional by providing alternative zones to lv in. Contented zones would get some XP bonuses or something to incentive players to go there but if the player is literally 100% against pvp then there is an alternative (worse xp wise) path…

  13. As someone who've been playing MMOs since before WoW existed… I greatly dislike War mode…

    I'm not even a good player. I'm not good at games. I loose is most PVP scenarios… Yet I still want the threat of PVP. Not sure why but it makes me far for interested in a game that has other players. Otherwise I'd rather play a more focused Cooperative game if I'm planning on playing with other people.

    There should be servers for people who want to play full PVP.

  14. Contested zones should be just like Runescape wilderness only specific levels should be able to attack depending on your level and the zone you're in to avoid max level players griefing lower level players/zones. Open world PvP shouldn't be removed and I refuse to play any server that isn't a PvP realm, but nowadays every server is always PvE servers. I've "Pure" clanned on Runescape since 2005 and have plenty of videos on my channel showcasing varieties of PvP. Fighting in certain levels of the wilderness gave us protection from being attacked from max level players or "mains" who would grief us and be there to ruin our fun. The entire retail and private server is catered to PvE sweats who've cleared the same content over and over for 15 years and just play every fresh that is available. I don't think this issue will ever be fixed no matter how hard you try because the PvE players who want to just raid outweigh the people who want to open world PvP. Most of those players are low skill casual gamers who just want to hit max level and get into raiding and will cry when they get killed by someone and call their max level guild members because they want to level in peace. I've beat players 5 levels down who attacked me while I was leveling and killed them then because an oppurtunist got shit on I had max levels camping me who was in the same guild of the player I fairly beat. Regardless as I said before I'm completely against any server that is PvE only that doesn't want to fix the game properly and absolutely hate the fact every server is catered to the snowflake casual PvE gamer.

  15. PvP is dead…. Pve has killed it, those fragile snowflakes who can't handle PvP, so they need so much protection. Your rules of conduct are great though, and definitely should be implemented, but I doubt anyone can save PvP now, after those filthy pve's killed it

  16. you lost gold/honor/durabilities on gear if u kill people that s 9 level lower than you. you giant token/gold/honor if u win fight vs people within 3 level of you. etc and PVP toggle base on zone/hour with a warning window

  17. The only people complain that warm mode is an option are the people who want to gank others who don't want to do PVP.

    It forces you to PVP against willing and able targets and that makes them cry. Tough shit PDP should be removed in its entirety IMO

  18. the short of it is wow pvp in wrath of the lich king was as close to perfect as you could get. because of slow mounts that did not have flying it took 10 mins or more to get to a low level zone where you could find a level 15 player you could kill in one hit when you where level 80 the hole reason that was a thing is because back then you could spend all of wrath just getting to cap if you had a full-time job making by the numbers it impossible to beat a geared level 80 player. + you could create your own event by killing the whole Quest Zone in an area on the map to bring more people to pvp with on the opposite side as a low-level player at the time this just gave me motivation to hit cap back in those days wow played completely differently than today. if you were playing with a friend it was really an adventure playing wow back then. there where ups and downs but over all it was a better game in different ways. nowadays it's on the rails experience. you more or less know what is going to happen as soon as you log on but back then you really did not for better or for worse.


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