I'm quitting shadowlands–but NOT for reasons you think!

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Shadowlands was really quite fun! I would recommend it to anyone!
Thank you for tuning into my SL content these past two months!

To answer some feedback I’ve received on this–yes, if the fundamental issue I describe within this vid changes massively, I would consider running SL again later.


9 thoughts on “I'm quitting shadowlands–but NOT for reasons you think!”

  1. the game is boring because the classes are boring
    until they realize that it will always be boring just think on how you play on your character 100% of the time so new maps and content will not change how boring classes are. think on Tbc and Wotlk how you could play over and over, think on shadowlans how you feel playing longer? boring. i keep saying the problem are the classes not the content, you start to get bored and it becomes tedious because you don't enjoy the classes
    because there is no way to enjoy them
    I didn't even play shadowlands
    when I knew that they would continue with the same talent method it was over for me, blizzard thinks that it is enough to just add a lot of content.

  2. If you’re toons learn level 1 engineering (shadowlands) you can get a worm hole generator (shadowlands) that is a toy that teleports you around the shadowlands.. it’s brilliant. Saves the hassle of the anema transport network

  3. i understand you.
    i miss multiboxing .
    without isboxer its not fun anymore for me.
    and the grind is so bad.
    i dont understand Blizzard purpose.
    they lost my 5 subs 1 month ago.
    i would come back only if they reverse their multiboxing policy and stop the stupid grind
    thx for your videos


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