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In this part 2 of my Shadowlands for new players and returning players I go over the systems that are unique to Shadowlands to give you a quick crash course on how all this new stuff works.
If you are interested in debate and debauchery in my snowflake melting discord, feel free to join!
You can dream, dream of little dream of Blizzard pulling it off.
I still intend on waiting three months post launch, I'm done beta testing for Acti-blizz.
Yeah but.. pvers dont need to experience pvp at all to be good in pvp while WE must do fucking boring as fuck pve to do pvp FOR FUCK SAKE!
When I joined the SL alpha I was like… how the hell could they make it even worde than bfa during beta I was like.. you call that an Improvement? I am so happy the delay happened.. that way I got myself a refund and now fully distanced myself from activision blizzard
Your content deserves more attention. Great stuff as always
Raziel should i play wow again so i can have an excuse to watch your streams?
fkin awesome video man, super well explained
Appreciate these two videos. I haven’t played since cata
first time playing wow (played private tbc a little) started with shadowlands now and man im impressed its a perfect game for me alot of movement and diffrent combos didnt feel like that in tbc, dont hate me now other people i might be wrong but this is what i feel 🙂
Thanks bro I'm back haven't played since cata been playing for a week now stupid confused everything has changed
literally dont know how to say THANKS enough times 🥰 thanks thanks that was the vid I was looking for! U just gathered one subscriber! Perfectly made! I just have one more stupid question cuz Ive been playing wow my whole life BUT in private servers..*.* soo: I really dont get which “game edition “ should I get. I mean is there any difference between base one and heroic , i dont get it 🙁 but I am absolutely thrilled to start playing REAL WoW with my fav boomkin (yeah I know bumkins aint fun blab blah)
Finally got the chance to get a new gaming pc. Can’t wait to get back into WOW thanks for the video!