INDEXED Step-By-Step Instructions for multiboxing LEGALLY in Shadowlands and Classic.

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EDIT: 5mmb is now on github. The download sequence is similar but different from the vid.
UPDATE: 5mmb now has TURBO. Buttons activate twice when you press them! Key down and key up! Legal in wow! (buttons 2-6 only)
1:07 How to get it
1:33 How to install it
2:19 Creating your first toonlist
10:30 5MMB STARTUP: Starting 5mmb
10:57 5MMB STARTUP: Things to check in the 5mmb window
12:30 5MMB WINDOW: What is the tilde key? How do I override?
15:10 RUNNING 5MMB: Repopping only one or two windows with ctrl-alt-m
15:50 RUNNING 5MMB: Picking your licenses
16:55 RUNNING 5MMB: S C R O L L L O C K –NEW: if you add usecapslock to toonlist, you can use the capslock key instead of scroll lock.
18:04 RUNNING 5MMB: Using numpad 1-5 to swap windows
18:45 5MMB STARTUP: More on drag-n-drop. How to NOT use drag-n-drop
20:11 RUNNING 5MMB: closing windows with ctrl-alt-o
20:31 RUNNING 5MMB: I log all the way in with ctrl-alt-m. All my toons are dead.
20:41 INITIALIZING MULTIBOXING: typing /init in each toon window.
20:47 INITIALIZING MULTIBOXING: partying up with 0
28:54 INITIALIZING MULTIBOXING: You must disable focus follows mouse!
24:21 MULTIBOXING: How the window swapping happens.
24:48 MULTIBOXING: Moving the 5mmb window out of the way (don’t minimize it!)
24:30 BUTTON 1: Explaining targeting
25:03 BUTTON 1: Your default assist–UPDATE: change assist F6-F10! 5 clicks)
25:52 GSE MACROS: Introduction to GSE macros
26:24 GSE MACROS: The difference between “simple” macros and “gse” macros
26:35 SIMPLE MACROS: Explaining simple macros and how they call GSE macros
27:25 GSE MACROS: Looking at your first GSE macro
28:36 BUTTON 1: Balance Druid
28:50 BUTTON 1: Resto Shaman
28:54 INITIALIZING MULTIBOXING: You must disable focus follows mouse!
28:50 BUTTON 1: Arcane Mage
31:27 BUTTON 1: Beastmaster Hunter
32:07 BUTTON 1: Melee follows tank on 1. (not yet implemented but will be)
32:33 BUTTON 2: Single target
33:22 GSE MACROS: A full explanation of how a GSE macro works!
38:29 MULTIBOXING: Why you have to hit each button 5 times.
39:14 MULTIBOXING: I fail to explain that alt-4 (just once!) is follow
39:36 BUTTON 2: Single target — Killing your first mob
40:28 BUTTON 3: Multi target — When do you use it?
40:47 BUTTON F (IWT): Using the F key to interact with target and turn/run toward your target
41:45 BUTTON 5: AOE — What is the AOE key?
42:33 BUTTON 3 GSE: Multi target — Blood Death Knight
42:55 GSE MACROS: Using pre/post macro with loop limit to cast a different spell
44:06 BUTTON 3 GSE: Multi target — Balance Druid
44:29 BUTTON 2 GSE: Multi target — Restoration Shaman
45:02 BUTTON 5 GSE: AOE — Restoration Shaman
45:29 BUTTON 2 GSE: Single target — Restoration Shaman
46:07 BUTTON 2 GSE: Single target — Arcane Mage
46:16 BUTTON 3 GSE: Multi target — Arcane Mage
46:25 BUTTON 5 GSE: AOE — Arcane Mage
46:44 BUTTON 3 GSE: Multi target — Beastmastery Hunter
47:00 BUTTON 5 GSE: AOE — Beastmastery Hunter
47:10 BUTTON 2 GSE: Single target — Beastmastery Hunter
47:35 BUTTON F1-F5: Healing during a fight
49:42 TILDE CLICKING: UPDATE: No mouseclick needed.
50:10 BUTTON CTRL-1: Buffing.
50:20 MUTLIBOXING: You MUST lift off (SHIFT/ALT/CTRL) each time you reclick
51:51 MULTIBOXING: Your first pack pull.
52:15 MULTIBOXING: Simultaneously healing and AOEing.
53:25 BUTTON 4: Turbo (burst abilities)
53:49 BUTTON 4 GSE: Turbo — Balance druid
53:49 BUTTON Ctrl-4 GSE: Mount — Balance druid (UPDATE: I now mount on 1. alt-1 to target without mounting)
54:18 MULTIBOXING: Unexpected Agro!
55:14 BUTTON SHIFT 3: Class Interrupt
55:31 BUTTON 8: Rez / rebirth
56:10 BUTTON 6: Self Heal
56:38 BUTTON F (IWT): Using Button F to fight mobs who are constantly jumping behind you!
56:13 BUTTON 6: Simple macro
56:24 SIMPLE MACROS: Using #noupdate and #showtooltip
57:50 BUTTON 6 GSE: Self Heal — Blood Deathknight
58:50 MULTIBOXING: Smart Window Switching
59:16 MULTIBOXING: The difference between role “healer” “casterhealer” “meleehealer”
1:00:44 MULTIBOXING: Illustrating amazing window switching for healers vs. dps
1:04:08 BUTTON TAB: Tab targeting autoswitches to main window.
1:07:25 BUTTON CTRL-4: Mounting up.
1:08:50 UPDATE: Tilde just changes windows now. No click with mouse needed!
1:10:36 1,1,1,1,1,f,f,f,f,f: To interact with a vendor
1:10:47 TILDE CLICKING: Vendor
1:11:45 BUTTON SHIFT-1: Polymorph
1:11:50 BUTTON SHIFT-3: Class Interrupt
1:12:09 BUTTON 9: Rebirth
1:12:53 RELOAD: Right bar button
1:13:12 INIT: Right bar button
1:13:20 LEAVE PARTY: Right bar button
1:13:30 DANCE: Right bar button
1:13:49 TILDE CLICKING DANCE: Tilde click to make everyone dance.
1:14:30 HEARTHSTONE: Right bar button
1:15:50 BUTTON F12: Make a line!
1:16:52 CLASSIC BUFF KEYS: Right bar buttons
1:19:55 What to do when you have problems


20 thoughts on “INDEXED Step-By-Step Instructions for multiboxing LEGALLY in Shadowlands and Classic.”

  1. Impressive work Furyswipes! But I'm curious what do you think is the risk that blizzard feels like these kind of solutions just is like broadcasting with extra stepps and they simply ban people from playing multiple characters at the same time in combat or some blanket statement like that?

  2. Am i wrong? This solution still use key injection for login and password, which is automation and input broadcasting. As i understand, the way blizzard detect input broadcasting is checking is key injected or not. There is special flag inside system for that. Broadcasting means sending virtual key events, not from physical input device. This is the only one way they can detect input broadcasting. As i know, there is no login and password parameters for wow client command line.

    Have you tryed binding attack to Mouse Scroll and use speed scroll mouse? Its when you fast scroll and release wheel the mouse keep scrolling it for long time, and sends alot of scroll events.


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