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creds To Hooded for reminding me about this location!
In This video we are looking at the best lovely charm farm in shadowlands, the lovely charms are converted into lovely charm bracelets, and then turned into love tokens that can be used to purchase the swift lovebird!
Create a lvl 10 MAGE, equip it with heirlooms and cap its experience in a capitol city ( SW/ORG ) And pick up the Lovely Charm Collector’s Kit in the capitol while you are at it. Then head over to the location, AOE all the mobs = profit
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Haven't seen this one before
Insane farm holy shit
Make a lvl 10 mistwaever Monk With lifesteling wep enchant. It heals and does dmg when it proccs. Spinning crane kick is spammable as a mistweaver. Its pretty insane.
Stunden is always the Best!
..deja vu? I must be in the matrix.. nice matrix studen.
Why do you need a level 10 alt?
Nice book in school
Any similar place for Alliance?
Dope can't wait to try this!
Nice actionbar!
I stopped getting the updates like 6 months ago. Can you check if there's an issue? I can give you my email if that helps
or you can farm the mzrlocs in goldshire. it's good actually.
you can get 45-50k/h with just shadowlands skinning farm while getting these lovely charm's on top of it, I dont think this is worth at all
Feels bad knowing this will be dead when US goes live….
1 hour and on my server the spot is already heavily camped with farmers
nice mount studen
If I wanted to level SL skinning on my fresh 60 rogue, would I get the charms from finding a good hyperspawn spot in SL to hit 2 birds with 1 stone?
Awesome ruined lol. Over loaded now lol.
Maybe a dumb question. You say to XP-cap the toon -how do I do that?
Could you do this on a lvl 30 toon? I play alliance, so I can fly there?
There are already Bots on this spot on my Realm, great. Now the Mount Price is gonna drop extremely much
i earned my Lovebird last year, this year is ALL about the Heartseeker for me, in a little bit i'm gonna be alt hopping the instance to hopefully get my Heartseeker to drop.
on my low pop realm 10 ppl doin this lol
oh no they are gonna make it so you cant get the charms with the xp stopping buff now FUN POLICE
You can send bracelets to your alts using wrapping paper item from vendor or using guild bank to transfer them and then turn them for up to 20 tokens per day per toon. If you are not in a hurry and you can get like 19-20 love tokens a day you can buy a mount on every alt with almost no effort! Eventually bracelets can be sold via trade. 🙂
Up to 20 tokens – 4 bracelets dailies from your capital cities, 5-10 tokens daily drop from Love rocket boss trio, 5 tokens from daily quest in capital city and some more dailies in Silverpine forest.. => +-40 tokens a day per char.
Just wanted to say the murlocs around Crystal Lake north of Goldshire is a good spot to do this on Alliance.
So for me (EU thrall ) there only stood 6 Monks and 4 arcane mages :p
like the panda dungeon with the bats, on a monk statue and kill for the Lunar event… miss that
It's fucking lit here like 40 ppl
What I did with this event last year – wait until the event was almost over (I play on high pop US servers) and the mounts were like 25k each due to over saturation. So I bought up like 20 of them, then sold them a couple of months later for 100k+ each.
OMG Studen! Too many people watch your videos 😊
Checked all servers I play on and there's half a dozen players farming these things on all of 'em.
I'll level my mage up and go for plan B where there's some higher mobs with rapid respawn.
Good video mate.
Albeit slower but I was a bit surprised to how many that dropped in Torghast, nice way to level from 50 to 🙂 Keep up the good work Studen, love it !
can you do it with lvl 50?
does anyone know if you get less of the lovely charm when in a group of 4? we farmed 2 hours as 4 ppl and "only" got like 1600, so 800/h, which seem to be far less than others.
do you have to be on a low lvl toon to do this?
all mage specs can use arcane explosion so no worries there 🙂 thx for the info
Any spot for alliance players??
Request farm gold in wow tbc please 😅
love the pro tip!
This has been known for years???
What are cords? Or map location ? You never went over that 🙁
incoming every time u do a video they change it so a waste of time