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Blizzard gave us a sneak peek at the new work in progress Oracle Priest hero talent tree for the new War Within expansion. Available for Holy and Discipline priests, unlike other hero talent trees it skews towards a more support role style. Taliesin and members of the Warcraft Priests Discord were able to ask devs George Velev and Rodney Pare all about it
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So excited to learn about astrolog.. I mean oracle hero class
Hey Astrologist from FFXIV, nice to see you here.
i think theyre definitely under estimating premonitions impact in priest. that tuning seems pretty powerful and definitely class defining
So if the POM applies atonement (because it applies shield), does it apply atonement when it bounces?
It could be a really nice atonement applicator if we had 6 sec atonements bouncing during combat, considering we will lose or tier set which works in that regard (extending the duration)
"Everyone hates power infusion, let's triple down on it!"
Yay! Dark ranger! The tree that combines the… spec which focuses on no pets, and bm, which is… a spec that focuses on pets. Yeahhhhhh 😬 Feel sorry for the dev on that one, it was never gonna go well
how about a 3rd spec for dh a support dps spec, that imbues other with fel magic to increase damage, like crit chance or raw damage
Do not apologize or change your mind on saying you hate that talent. I think it's valid, just explain why. Don't say away from controversy Tali
No Holy representation? 😢
Oh lovely. They’re making support roles required in raids
I know a lot of people hate PI but I love the class fantasy of this
Me, a 2h frost DK:
So which one should you infuse me with? Magic or physical?
Just kidding bro, I know I'll never get infused, or get invited for that matter.
This all looks so half-baked, cumbersome, and unimaginative.
For the feather it could judt activate immediately for the priest upon placement, and hopefully the ally walks over it
no.These are stupid.
I don't main priest, but personally I'd prefer Premonition to change based on the target's role. Or at least an option to change it to that.
Nope nope nope, I'm 72 years old and tired of relearning new spells and such. My husband gave up playing WoW after WoTLK because relearning play/spells just took too much time. Spriest was my main at one point, then AoE was pretty much taken away. So I switched to Disco. And then I decided to main a Druid which I like so far. And now this for priest. Ugh…not interested in the Oracle Priest hero talent. It's very similar to the druid where we anticipated heals. Might as well stay with Druid.
Looks terrible.
This is so great. I hate feeling forced to do damage as a healer. Let me heal and support buff my group ❤. I think having a healer / support archetype like Oracle and a healer / dps like MW Monk and Holy Paladin is healthy for the game.
I'm seeing shades of Astrologian here with the fortune telling stuff.
If you get the speed up when you place the feather rather than when people step on it I reckon it would be fine. Some people still won't like it, but then again, it is a choice note.
as a holy priest… idk i'm just super underwhelmed, i really hope they take a serious look at making holy more viable. 9/10 expansions it's garbage and it's just putting a super damper on the game for me.
regarding the buff the priest gets when casting premonition on an Ally and having Twin Priest talented- I hope that something other than Insight and/or Solace is available to holy priest. I could see Insight being good for Disc as the heal through dmg and dmg is a constant part of their rotation but I can't see that being at all useful to a holy priest (unless they want to do dmg which i HATE feeling obligated to do). In holy's current state, I wouldn't mind that 5% mana return.
So after watching through the interview I have some thoughts but obviously open to see it in alpha/beta. Fine with the base concept, hero tree on modifying PI but I think this is overdone.
I don't think I want a PI replacement to have something I have to mini game for the right buff. I would much rather it's just a main stat & healing received buff. I don't want to spend time watching the icon especially if it's initially random. There may be a time when I want to give a healing buff to the tank and seeing the initial buff as insight means I have to wait several seconds might make that a dead buff. Tank could be dead by the time I need it. When you need a healing increase you need it that second and 3 seconds later may be far too late. Either tank is recovered or it's moot. And I don't think I'm interested in a playstyle to watch what dps I give the right type of damage increase to. I'm fine with PoM being in disc rotation but I don't want it just tied to Oracle, the base spell should potentially apply atonement. But as brought up can also get a little murky as Idk if I want to just use PoM and PW:S on CD. I think one of those two is probably plenty.
Not super jiving with low chance of 3-4 people having PI, feels like way too much. Fine with the feather thing, but honestly seems like that part should be baseline talent imo.
Survival hunter gojng to suck . Mm ans bm got dark arrow
I can't wait for meta gamers to tell me which subclass I have to be if I want to get into raids and mythic+
Seems like a kool idea, but the cycling mechanic for Premonition (@10:03) sounds very clunky. Having to wait for this spell roulette (even a predictable one) to rotate to the spell you want doesnt sound fun, especially when you're already targeting an ally that would likely clearly benefit from either magic or physical damage done.
There's also a problem with specs that deal a mix of Physical and Magic damage, in particular frost DK, whose ratio of physical to magic damage can change depending on their build/gear.
Overall PI seems easier and even more fun to use – that haste boost is something you immediately feel without having to look at meters or numbers.
Fun idea, but I hope they tweak it to a cleaner state.
That was a great panel with lots of info, so thank you for that! Personally i believe that Divine Feathers is completely unnecessary. Priest is one of the least mobile healers so why give an already mobile player extra speed when we could just modify it to make us not running behind anyone else? Furthermore, disc priest (as all healers in general) is a healer with little room for mistakes. You are constantly pressing your healing buttons, your dmg spells, watching atonements and buffs, while trying to stay alive, avoid mechanics and call people INTO the barrier. So having to cycle through Premonition by paining attention in an already stressful situation to your button.. is a total no. Would be far more efficient for the spell to change according to your target. Otherwise is just another thing that will make u loose focus and downtime.
More of this! I’m really hoping they give the same degree of attention to monk and get we an actual interview with devs 🙏🏿
As a main Disc Priest since MoP, I already hate Oracle… I don't want to play this minigame and track who to give this premonotion BS to! Disc is exchausting at the moment, u need to have a PHD in raid fights to understand when to ramp, etc… I really hope Voidweaver will be better. Btw Tali, this type of interviews are a banger, keep it up bro!
i really hope premonition is not strong because it sounds just awful to play. i really hope oracle is not meta or at least not required to get into groups. nothing about this tree seems good except the 2 sec cdr on purify. trying to land feathers in front of people is fun? for who? i wish they would get rid of twins and just let PI be the priest's CD. or let it stay 20% for the priest and have it be 1% for the closest 4 allies.
Great talk, but holy damn why does it have to replace PI? People love haste buffs when they get it. I think they're really unsure about this tree working out, or it being too OP it'll be hard to manage but fun to see if they get it right.
i have been sick all week and first now managed to really sit at my PC.
hearing that first 2-3 seconds intro melody just made me smile. thank you guys as always for making me smile and making content about the game i grew up in
– Fido
The ONLY hero spec that is for 2 healers have 0 healing talents. GJ!
I want a proper holy spell caster dps so much.
"artifact spells 0.25" it looks like early first stage artifact weapons … the primary ability with passives to boost it … idk I m kinda sceptical
knowing my parents are playing this game, and my mother being a priest main. i am a bit scared that the 1 sec rotation might be too much to have to think about, especially since i know she uses the mouse to click every ability. She is a casual, and i think the tempo that this seems to require might be a tad too much to ask for some casual players.
i thought wow was goina stay away from Borrowed power? how is this any Different than Artifact weapons and HOA and other AP grinds?