Is Frost DK Weak in Shadowlands PvP? – With Duel Footage

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Video discussing are Frost Death Knights weak in Shadowlands PvP scenarios with duel footage dueling some of the scariest classes in the game.

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40 thoughts on “Is Frost DK Weak in Shadowlands PvP? – With Duel Footage”

  1. Nice Hazzed. So much hate out there for Frost DK, but their arguments are opinion without the breakdown and analysis you put in here. Well organized thoughts, great examples, suggestions and realistic ways to counter and actually play Frost. Great Video

  2. It honestly feels like with some of the classes you just duelled them 20 times until you got that one good duel where some lucky crits/them doing stupid mistakes caused you to win.. Like that duel with the ret who didn’t even use wings the entire duel. And the rogue who didn’t use his defensives and got killed in 5 seconds, I don’t know what to say man. Any good DK player can see that we really struggle against said classes, and we have to play our class at the absolute max level AND hope they do some mistakes or get unlucky in order for us to win. Not looking very good.

  3. At least hazzed its honest about frost dk , but for those who don't do pvp dont know that the Pallas and mages shown in this video are trash , thats why he day 6 in 1 , feels bad for.frost

  4. I think they’re gonna nerf pally and hunter damage soon, I keep getting hit by rets for like 15k~ by final reckoning and about 12 by wake of ashes. Bgs are a nightmare right now with all the ret/mm running around

  5. Frost feels really good in 3's between chill streak, heartstop, 1min cd burst is insane, plus our other good pvp utility talents, and it'll only be better when we can finally get useful legendaries. The only thing that's really an issue is disc priests, I feel like you need absolutely perfect cc and perfectly timed burst to ever come close to a kill, they're the only thing consistently giving me problems there. Bgs are good too, though death strike not doing anything feels kinda bad there.

    2's have been rough though, so many classes with insane heals and better defensives, and pretty much every class can do insane burst right now. It's just very difficult to kill anyone with good defensives, and it's so hard to survive until a second burst in 2's rn. Death strike still feels like almost a waste of a gcd. I probably made a terrible mistake going venthyr, breath is absolutely unviable compared to the obliteration build(I guess I haven't tried dual wield breath but I really don't see it), and without abom mages and ferals are a real struggle. Maybe it will be better when we take the defensive conduit, and death strikes actually maybe do something to make use of that extra rp? But I will persevere, tmog is the real game anyways.

  6. Dude you are a pro frost Dk player. Tnx for making these videoes. But still it’s not fair to fight with op hunter – ret pala and feral in arena. I hope they will balance before season starts otherwise it’s such a pain dude. Hunter just one shots us


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