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by @xaryuclips
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I personally only play hardcore. I cant go back… its too wussy now
Do people think Zack’s name is Desmond or something? Why do they call him Asmond all the time? It’s not asmondgold wtf
I mean… isn't this by design? 😅
only 36 people in one zone at 11am on a wednesday on one out of 100 servers?!?!?! dead game
If you think about hardcore as a story instead of grindfest and a simple game its much more eenjoyable. Put their story on paper and write it as a writer. Someone dying beecause of a traitor in raid ? That is one hell of a story. Even young characters dying or mobs being pulled on you sound in narrative cool.
Imagine all the positive stories.
tried hardcore twice. didnt go far. it was fun, but damn i was crushed when i died in the damn farm area. fuck making it to 50 and dying
I only used hardcore to level some chars to 60 for the challenge. No interest in hardcore raids with trolls about etc.
I really like hc wow. I play higher end retail, so when I want a change of flavor, and a more true to vanilla experience/nostalgia, hc wow was that hit for me.
I really love how it feels like a survival game, and risks/rewards and certain items were more valuable than regular era.
I think it’s a unique mode…and I’m surprised asmon is so negative about this overall. It’s not just a streamer game – because it wouldn’t be without a community to set the foundation. It’s about fulfillment, and I know I get that when I log in
Def my 2nd favorite wow mode after retail 🫶
Wow is dead as a whole. People just havent seen the truth yet
Disagree, its entertaining also for players. I had the best time playing wow on HC
Its insane how many items remain unchanged in design from 20 years ago all the way back to Warcraft 3.
the idea that judgement day 2 killed hc is rediculous. people were sayin the same thing the first time it happened, and the game is still going strong. people need to stop being so dramatic
Hc wow should not exist anyway
The horde body-shave guy has to do that in July, and then hit the beach.
My personal experience with hardcore was: I FREAKING LOVED IT. I put many many hours into my mage. I made it to level 60, got my water quest completed, and started acquiring pre BIS raid gear only to die to a bug in scholo where mobs killed us through the floor on the bottom level while we were on top. There was nothing I could do about it. Haven't played since that day. RIP
Every game is considered dead once streamers move unto the next big thing nowadays lol
how sad….not
I was super pumped for hardcore, played on unofficial then leveled a warr to 39 on launch. Then I died to a DC in a cave to mobs 5 levels below me while I was mining. My desire to play hardcore instantly vanished. I would have loved to go again but without DC protection I refuse to have my time wasted. I know people would abuse it, I don't care. Your character should be logged out if you have been DC'ed for more than 5 seconds.
Horde > Alliance all day long
Only kids and scrubs play ally.
what's mob tagging?
Come on now… How are people surprised? We got SoD right now, hardcore will probably pick up later again. But it was a hype and now the new hype is SoD
I leveled two characters to 60 on harcore and am now playing SoD so I have no reason to play Hardcore for a couple years atleast.
no wonder people wants to ban tiktok lol
warcrafttavern realm pop is bad and unaccurate look at SOD numbers they are totally off
Hardcore has been effectively dead since Season of discovery launched.
I never got past level 21… I died at level 20 3 times. Hardcore was awesome.
Hardcore is the only way to play WoW.
All the tiny violin bullshit that went viral…WHO WOULD WANT TO PLAY HC AND GET GRIEFED WTF
Isn't that the whole point of hardcore wow? You die, you are dead?
Does the subspecie of humans that watch streams question their reality often enough to do something about it?
The only fun thing about HC was waiting on Tinyviolin to wipe another raid. Now that he’s banned, dead game
agree but i'd still not play hardcore
I love this game61 attempts in, hit pb today, fuck the andys XD
Lol what a joke. You’re more important than other streamers? Naw you just have more viewers that’s all you have over them but doesn’t make you any more important
i called out that HC streamer bs on every Emi+Mizkif vid, yeah it was a meme, Rav did it best and milked it and then moved to SoD for a bit, and is still making his league content.
WoW streamers playing SoD now:
"What happened to Hardcore WoW?"
yea, after playing VERY conservatively, i still died at lvl 48 just as i entered the hinterlands, from a disconnect, came back to a dead characters… HC just has too many flaws to where all your hours spent are wasted, nothing gained but time spent on WoW, it aint worth XD gg no re HC
Poor Asmond could use some of that hair…
I enjoyed it, the close calls I've had are very adrenaline pumping. You definitely play smarter. Also the players over all seem friendlier. It is fun having an entire guild cheering you on when you hit level milestones.
Every non streamer who “enjoys ssf” cough cough Poe cough cough is coping so hard
sod killed it all I mean all hype is on sod bullshit
All of wow in general is dieing and in my opinion is fking dead less people are playing wow today then the first 3 months of its life
Judgmend day 3.0
rav made it to 60 without mob tagging, he only mob tagged to get into raid in the small time he had to go agane
Actual useless video