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Should you try World of Warcraft in 2023? I started playing earlier this year and I wanted to make a video aimed towards newer players who are thinking of starting WoW.
I’m a World of Warcraft noob
World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. Set in the Warcraft fantasy universe, World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events of the previous game in the series, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The game was announced in 2001, and was released for the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise on November 23, 2004. Since launch, World of Warcraft has had nine major expansion packs: The Burning Crusade (2007), Wrath of the Lich King (2008), Cataclysm (2010), Mists of Pandaria (2012), Warlords of Draenor (2014), Legion (2016), Battle for Azeroth (2018), Shadowlands (2020), and Dragonflight (2022).
Thanks for watching! I will be streaming my WoW endgame experience and soon will be streaming classic on my twitch:
Also here is the Discord if you are looking for a WoW community:
I guess back then it was more "hardcore" until they bummed out the number of skills or skills themselfs and talents. After playing through my whole adolescente I don't see myself going back again and dedicate myself to the cause, or even pay for expansions since there is like.. 4 or 5 in my way + monthly tax, or after seeing what blizzard has became lately, but ye, seems fun for new players and i encorage to play, but I've lost the interest long time ago. Mind yourself just not to suck yourself 24h at day and go make some good friends if you are in the need to!
I wonder when they shut the servers down.
Can't believe that there are many players left playing WOW.
Nothing compared to it's hey-days back in 2004-5
Wow die with Legion!
Hey how exactly do i start like what do i buy
I love wow…… I love it when I play it alone, unfortunately most of the community consist of toxic players. So everytime you try do a raid or even a dungeon, you just get yelled at or kicked out of the group. If you’re a new player you can forget even trying to get in a raid group cuz if you have no experience in raiding no one will want you. You also need to play the best classes
Sad truth about the game and why its dying is the community’s fault. At least for me…… sorry about the negative comment just how I feel.
My biggest issue is, it seems impossible to find people to play with, ive tried multiple times getting back into it, but it has been impossible to find anyone to play with. In classic it felt super easy and natural to socialise, but not in retail.
I played vanilla through cata then stopped…. I’ve missed the game ever since but I’m scared to try it again thinking it won’t feel the same… they just announced the war within trilogy expansion and the trailer got me so hyped! …any takes on if I should give it a go again?… it’s been so many years since I’ve played
Great perspectives. As a veteran player its folks like you that i seek out, to play with and to teach and learn from. Good luck on your journey
I just wish they updated the graphics, they have been the same for too long
This was a nice video, as a veteran player its always a joy to meet those who have just started with wow who haven't gotten jaded by the roller-coaster or has become a meta addict. One of the best things i can see in a dungeon group is "Hey im new, ive not done this one before." because that opens the door to a nice social interaction where i as a veteran might be able to give a positive experience for them as well.
I miss wow for the camaraderie, spent so much time farming, raiding, achievements all for the grind. Epic crossroads battles against the horde on nordrassil server. I still think about it and crave it from time to time.
So my problem is… i USED to play and now… i wanna go back for hardcore…. Idk if i should. I quit during OG wrath of the lich king so..
the real wow is only is like have 40yo and fuck a 21yo and think is the first time… please…
Are we all just gonna ignore how you have to pay 13€ MONTHLY for this game? Biggest scam I've seen. Imagine how much money these "vets" invested in this game it's ludicrous. It's a shame. Really looks like a nice game
Kill 20 of this and farm 40 of this ! 90% of Game! I Stop after pandaria and start guild wars 2 ! 😅
It's just tradition to "hate" the other faction in WoW. No one actually hates the other faction– without them, we wouldn't have a game. AND most players have alts on the other faction anyway, or played it at some point
I got really into WOW during lockdown, and then shadowlands made me quit
Its cool but not in 2023 😅
NO! You should be ashamed of yourself for shilling a DEAD 2004 video game that only cares about selling cosmetics in its cash shop more than making a good game. World of Warcraft needed to die 10 years ago but you shills keep the money flowing and keep the dead zombie game alive.
PVP will probably get me back eventually. I played alot with multiple characters getting them geared up for battlegrounds. I haven't messed with it for about 10 years because of time constraints of 2 jobs and women but its always in the back of my mind lurking lol.
love ur vids, need friends to play pvp with
Basically all my friends who wanna try wow but have never played have the same issue,. there is already SO MUCH lore, that the game doesnt do a good job of delivering, and since shadowlands i believe, you level up so fast till 50 in one expansion of your choosing. (i mean you can switch sure), and it doesnt have the same feeling as going throuhg all the different locations and expansions. now you have to pretty much have a different char for each expansion. And they don't even know which one to pick, bcs once again, they dont know anything about wow. This game is still enjoyable for veterans, especially nostalgia value, but not really new player base. You've said it as well, you dont really know what youre working towards, which i feel like other games like ESO or Guild Wars2 do better right from the start of the game, they put you into a story. On the other hand I dont really know how to fix this issue, raising the max level to like 150 so youd go through the different expansions at least a little bit? probably not. But I feel like lowering the level to 50 reallyyy shortnened the leveling experience. it doesnt feel that rewarding. But again, this game is 2 decades worth of content its hard to make it approachable. I LOVE WOW. I MISS WOW. thats why i always go back once a year to play wotlk or cata.
I played mists and then came back during dragon flight and had no idea wtf was going on. Mechanics and UI are not super new player friendly and the community is also not very forgiving
shaaahhnsseedd , i mean i mean shaaahhhnsseedddddd