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War Within survival hunter is not in a good state currently and as much as I love this spec, there are major flaws in its base design that should warrant a rework. Patch 11.0.5 will bring some survival hunter changes but will these be enough to steer it in the right direction?
War within survival hero talents are problematic and we’d probably need for a major patch to see an actual survival hunter rework but let’s see what the issues are and how the new changes will impact the spec.
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fuck logs 🙂 😀
The sound is bugged around 11:50, or maybe my phone is going crazy. Nice video 🙂 I hope they’ll fix Survival
Surv is my main alt, love playing it! I wish we had gotten the frost DK treatment to help our community perception, but survival hunter will rise one day soon! I'm sure of it.
Thanks for your common sense coverage of the best hunter spec in the game Mr. Flame, I plan on continuing to enjoy my Rexxar LARP 😉
For me is survival & arms warrior love. ❤ and the changes in 11.0.5 makes my love even bigger. I dont need to be the best in dps i need to be the best in fun 😊 i hope packleader will come in 11.1 can understand that dark ranger needs bigger work then packleader 😂
Loved SV since it's became melee. But nowadays I don't feel it anymore. Still feels a bit weird to play… But it's a overall Hunter thing. The class feels watered. Want to be too much at the same time… fantasy-wise.
The only gripes with the spec is Sentinal owl still not latching to targets and that sometimes I think a accidentally pressed Feign Death because a mob in a Delve looked at me from across the room and I died. Otherwise it is EXCELLENT. Don't even care that it's not pumping. The KC weaving is elite.
Survival is great, I have always played my survival hunter since the rework. However right now I not a big fan of the tip of the spear mechanic. It makes the rotation feel awkward to me, like I don't want to waste em but I need to dump some focus to not overcap and I need to dump my kill commands to not overcap that either. I still like to play it, but I preferred when it had less to work around. It just doesn't feel smooth to me personally
For the past 5 years or so when a spec got a big spec rework they got the opportunity to shine during a live season of WoW. SV got their rework but only got to shine for 2 weeks on Beta.
If you are looking for popularity, you need to shine during live at some point. Even if you leave META status, you can keep some fans.
I still argue survival should go back to be ranged, and be based around traps, poisons, and explosions
Personally. I think arms warrior is the worst feeling melee. I mean 90% of their abilities feel bad to press and have for nearly 10 years cleave? Fucking hell they gutted that attack. sweeping strikes? Sucks to press. Whirlwind? On arms? Slam? Just slam me off a bridge.
As of right now, I would rather invite a survival to any key over +9 over an enhancement shaman to be honest.
They should redesign Sentinel to function more like Starfall and not triggered by a long cd spell like bomb. Packleader should let us have special/more pets. Tip of the Spear is a good idea but doesn't fit well with the current rotation.
For me personally I don’t have a problem with the gameplay I have a problem with the theme. .
Personally what I would have done with hunter is
Marksmen – nuke range
BM – dual wield melee hunter+ pet
Survival – poisons and combat trap dog spec. – I would even toss in some utility for them like “antidote shot” = you shoot s friendly target with an antidote to cute pan/ talent can also dispel curses.
Something like this to carve out a survival theme
SL Surv best Surv bring it back plz !!!! cant catch a break on SV I always end up changing not fun 🥲
Blizzard you piece of shit just back range survi
Will continue to play SV. It's fun and does (very) good dps. Tried MM for some time now but it's not my cup of tea. Especially volley and single target dps 🙈
The survival hero talents are so boring its actually insane… why do i have a talent tree centering around a dumb owl instead of like explosives expert or something? With the new design basing heavily around explosives and since marksman and survival use explosive shot it would have made sense. When im more excited for my alts hero talents(evoker) than my main theres a big issue. They could have also done a trapper hero talent tree or a serpent sting/venom based tree. Literally anything but an owl….
Surv is hella fun in pvp though
Lmfao the cope in the comments is hilarious. Spec is clunky af.
I don’t know man I wish they would just revert it back to being ranged
I feel like most hunters would like that
I'm glad i didn't care about being top of the dps charts.
Haha you blamed the healer 😛
Still topping meters on my SV hunter, not quite as good as my MM but pretty close. I miss some of the things they took away but it only required small adjustments. When i run with other SV hunters and look at their Detail's they are almost always not playing right. Lot's of skill issues out there.
The only reason people don’t play it is because they like BM and MM more. Rouges and Warlocks suffer the same problem.
How did 620 become an average gear iLevel?
That rotation clip is exactly how i feel when i play survival. Coming from Windwalker monk, survival feels a little wonky at times due to all of which you mentioned. At least it’s not as wonky as Enhancement shaman tho 😅
I dunno man, I was outDPSing a Frost mage on my Survival Hunter doing an M0 pretty consistently. 🤷♂️ I don't play for big numbers, I play for personally enjoyment and theme.
If they dont cap targets on the new butchery we are going to be top contenders in aoe damage
My only problem with the spec right now as you mention is the sentinel area mechanic because that is a good chunk of our dps in dungeons,and I want to play pack because the owl doesnt feel right with my orc but the damage is far behind sentinel
I'm doing 9+ right now and the main problem is finding random party,the ones I do with my usual group I'm well in terms of damage and I bring a ton of utility
Blizz needs to stop BSing and finally let survival have a dual wield path and allow for a focus gen build based on it
<- sv main here "Datie" good video! i am happy with sv we lack on dmg ofc but i hope 11.0.5 will do it 🙂 Packleader makes absolut zero sense imo
No. People take the Butchery talent and it's worthless because of the constant GCD's.