Is There TOO MUCH Going on in World of Warcraft?

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Is There Too Much Going on in World of Warcraft? Do you feel that your UI is overwhelming? Too many addons and weakauras? These are things that people are talking about and we need to address the situation.

00:00 Intro
01:07 Skill Ceiling Too High?
03:05 UI Questions
04:15 Hero Specs
09:02 Is WoW Overwhelming?
10:17 Borrowed Power
13:13 Character Power
15:21 Do What You Want to Do
18:49 Getting Better
21:49 WoW Is Worth It

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24 thoughts on “Is There TOO MUCH Going on in World of Warcraft?”

  1. WoW will probably enter a golden age when the top 3% of players dislike the game. The addons are a huge problem especially for entry level players that may want to do 2 a week raiding with friends. that sub money is the same as someone who is playing 100hrs a week and is never satisfied.

  2. No i don't think there is too much going on aside a very few specs.

    Arcane is an example, but it's mostly because the abilities and cooldowns don't interact in a intuitive manner, and a mistake is very punishing, making arcane just not very fun to play with. Although the potential is there.

    And outlaw rogue, simply due to how crackshot works. And a few other issues, but those could easily be solved and outlaw would immediately become probably the most fun spec to play after enhance.

    All considered, many specs literally NEVER felt better to play than right now in dragonflight. This has been an excellent expansion for gameplay.

  3. There is definitely way to much bloat i enjoy outlaw rogue but it’s way to bloated 🫃🏽 I liked outlaw better in BFA/SL I can tell you a new player would probably learn to drive a car faster then learn outlaw rogue in m+ IMO 😅 probably harder in 3s but idk pvp

  4. The reason these people want addons gone is because it provides an insane amount of critical need-to-know info that the default UI doesn't provide and it ends up gatekeeping people from picking up the game or a new class/role.

    It baffles me how a 20 year old MMO still doesn't have an in-house built in recount/skada/details. General stuff like that, better spell alerts than the ones we got way back in Cataclysm, bigger and clearer info on nameplates like someone popping their defensive or offensive CD, etc.

    Their tournament UI even shows WAY more info than the default UI, what is the reasoning for it not being implemented in the game?

    In regards to end-game raiding, Im on the field that WA do provide to much background heavy lifting and Blizzard shouldn't design bosses with them in mind.

    TLDR Instead of destroying the current state of game for everyone who enjoys it for the chance of new people trying it, how about we talk about how much it sucks without them and how the default UI doesn't do enough for the average player, and improve on that?

  5. As a on/off player. Yes, there is too much going on in WoW. I can jump over to FFXIV and just have fun. No addons needed; UI is clean and customizable because it's designed to be that way. Rotations get complicated, but are learnable, and this works well alongside the design of the fights you can do from beginner to more endgame focus. The fact that WoW relies on third party programs to make the game playable is poor design. Blizzard have really shot themselves in the foot with addons, since they've created a system over time where hardcore players have become so accustomed to them that removing them feels like removing part of the game. WoW will always have a new player problem until a balance is achieved between addons and designed game content. Designing content based around the fact that addons exist is stupid, and pushes the population outside of hardcore away, or to other games.

  6. I got a couple of friends to play wow retail as I mainly play retail. Not one of them learned how to properly manage their cds and learn the dps rotation before they quit. This is with the help of a wow veteran supplying them with weakauras and addons. The entry level for the game is extremely harsh.

    A few other friends decided to give wrath classic a try and never logged back to retail and the main reason was "it is easier to play my class".
    I prefer retail for a reason, and I strongly agree with Bhaj that the devs need to to do what they need to do to deliver a good game (people will always find something to complain about). But the entry level needs to be addressed to keep new players.

  7. like the UI isnt cluttered enough. now u need 20 addons to clutter the screen even more.
    i played dragonflight yesterday for about 15 min and the ui clutter was so bad i couldnt handle it.
    they really want ui clutter to fill up so much you're playing on a 4×4 window.
    thats why i enjoy vanilla with no addons no clutter. just clean af

  8. To those who think too much isn't going on. The level of complexity to even learn how to play the game for a brand new single player is a barrier preventing wow from keeping those exact same new players. If you don't get and keep new players you only keep old and returning players. If you only have old and returning players your game can only lose players because you are not getting/keeping the new ones.

    Also people keeping noobs out of the main content raids/dungeons probably makes less interested because of the gatekeeping. We kill our own game.

    btw, i think it would be cool if hunters could tank dungeons and raids with their bear. To each their own stinky nerds :p

  9. I know I don't share the same sentiment as a lot of players, but here's my take. I started in MoP (was too poor to play before then xD). As a new player, it will always stand out as my fav expac just bc it was my first. But since I've been playing, the classes I used to love in MoP I can no longer play because specs now need a 15+ button rotation and insane min-maxing to be effective or useful. The more they add, the more they push me from retail. I moved to Classic a little while ago, and i've never had more fun with this game. I don't think we need to go way back to wrath classic, but I would like to see some abilities maybe fall from the rotations just to appeal to newer players and make things a smidge easier to hold the new players. If blizz can start holding the newer players, the game will eventually heal and possibly even repopulate with players. The world feels so empty now except for the newest main hub. And as far as PvP goes with the game (for me at least) nothing pushes me away from pvp more than the super sweaty stun-locking, only ever play this class type of pvp'ers talking a bunch of crap about how bad I am. Well guess what sweetheart, I can't learn if I don't play it. The elitist toxicity is another factor. Not just addons or the information they give for players. They act entitled to good players, but don't remember what it takes to get there. Not everyone started in vanilla. Poor take, I know but it is what it is. At the end of the day I still very much enjoy the game, I just shift my focus to what I can most excell at. Which is being a casual and just trying to have fun. i'm not getting paid to play, so I don't need that level of elitism in my gameplay.

  10. I tried to play resto shaman in dragonflight. I simply ran out of keybinds to my spells, why the f do we need so many spells. Oh, and if you wanna play pvp too, you get up to 3 extra spells u can try to fill in.

  11. I have mixed feelings about a lot of what he said. There is a major caveat though about everything he talked about. You just can't take a bunch of peoples opinions and criticisms and throw them into a punch bowl stir them up and make a video. World of Warcraft is a generational game. It sounds weird to say that, but never the less its true. I started at the trailing end of The Burning Crusade and I stopped playing, mostly for sanity, after Shadowlands ended. From Vanilla to this point, its not only a game that changed from a dynamic standpoint, but it also changed at a generational level as well. I know hindsight is always 20/20 but if Blizzard used a Seasonal Roadmap, which didn't exist back then, this guy wouldn't be making this video.

    I want to put this out there and ill get torn apart because thats what WoW players do but I dont care and im gonna say it anyway. First off, we all started off by killing bunnies and wolves. Just because you have Multicosmic Powers of Divinity and slay Interstellar gods of doom and destruction, doesn't mean bunnies and wolves need to be removed from the game. Second, and this is where people will fly off the deep end. The World of Warcraft playerbase is the most toxic, vile, discriminatory entity ever known in the world of gaming history. Its not because of the single player, but rather a group or whole has been made that way because of how passionate as a group they are about the game. Its their perfect piece of existence and they dont want anybody to change it. I dont care if they act that way, its fine and I've dealt with it for years. Lastly, measures of skill gaps to dedication should never be pitted against one another, EVER. That is where people get lost and absorbed into the annals of rage and disappointment.

    This guy has a lot of good points but a lot of his points he discusses has nothing to do with the game being over-bloated. Most of the things he talks about is a straight Blizzard mismanagement issue and failure to maintain standards for their own title. Sometimes you just take the good with the bad and move on and play.

    edited for typos

  12. So i played wildstar on release and complete the 20player raid and only did some bosses in 40player raid. Compare to wildstar WoW is very easy. Cause in wildstar u not only have to dodge things also everyone in the raid had to kick the boss at the same time otherwise u cant interrupt him. And we also played the game without addons. So i dont think WoW is to hard, but i think the addons like weakaura are extremely close to cheats. Thats why i would celebrate if blizzard ban them.


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