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The 3rd option is a mount and it suppose to be rewarded for completing the travellers logs. Thus skipping it and not showcasing in the video. I’d not recommend buying and wait for hotfix.
You can review the items that are being sold by the vendor at the Trading Post for the Month of September without logging into the game or having an active game time.
The Aurelid mount, the 3rd item on the list is bugged. DO NOT buy it, wait for a hotfix.
The mount should be awarded for completing 1000 points in traveller's log.
Everyone and their mom is gonna be running around on that mount for a week.
Im getting the outfit, the hand mount, the claws
Granny's old hat and the boots for my troll. Rest of the other stuff is just meh for me.
This is a bit of a let down month
sadly, we only got trash…
i was hoping for the sylvanas or wrynn mog this month, but this is good too.