It Begins! Collect TONS Of Transmog Ahead Of The War Within – Your Weekly Dragonflight Guide #83

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I take you step by step on how to collect lots of FUTURE transmog appearances before The War Within prepatch!

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Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

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27 thoughts on “It Begins! Collect TONS Of Transmog Ahead Of The War Within – Your Weekly Dragonflight Guide #83”

  1. Wait, I just had the Tusks drop on my Lock as I've been farming Garrosh throughout Remix. So if it's in my Lock's bag, my plate wearers won't have them available when prepatch drops?

  2. Given that class items are not going to be collectable that way, vanilla raids (i.e. Molten Core and Blackwing Lair) barely benefit from the changes as all set items are class specific and don't use a token there. BFA should be the easiest with no class specific stuff. Also Siege of Orgrimmar had been changed so it's not soloable (due to MoP: Remix). On the flip side the daily logout from Remix also applies to Retail – my Alt army beat those Garrosh on a daily basis for the Tusks before bronze drops were buffed.

  3. on TWW beta, when you first load to a character, news screen says 30th of July for Pre-patch lauch day. No pictures are loaded but it says its on 30th with text can be a place holder…

  4. Sooo, transmog farming. I’m curious to know whether you actually look at the gear you’re aiming to collect and think yes I’d really like that item, it would look great on my priest, hunter etc. It seems to me that this is more an exercise in collecting all the things for the sake of it regardless of whether you actually value the item for the transmog. This also seems to be the approach for MOP remix, where you gotta just have it all regardless of whether you’ll actually use it for transmog. For me I don’t have the play time to collect all the things, so I target items I know I specifically want to mog on one of my alts. This makes the whole thing a lot more manageable.

  5. Pro tip: after finishing a raid, queue for a follower dungeon and leave. You wont get the deserter debuff since you're the only player and it will port you at the entrance of the raid you just left.

  6. Hey soul, im a returning player and a bit unfamiliar with how things work i tested not looting anything while doing dungeons and i didnt get most stuff in the mailbox so how does it work? Also will BoP become tradeable at prepatch? Im a little unclear on how this will all work thanks!


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