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NEW CINEMATIC REACTION – JAILER Raid Finale Reaction! Check out my reaction to the brand new cinematic that plays before and after the Jailer is defeated in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid in WoW Shadowlands 9.2!
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"Well, that was f*cking lame"
Dogshit ending to a dogshit story and a dogshit xpac.
Denathrius was as dirty and sneaky as ever. He should’ve been the big bad this expac. Overall I’m just sadge.
clearly blizz just stopped giving a fuck about shadowlands lmaooo
I guarantee they are trying to end the game to start a new one so they made this to try and rush to the ending I was not impressed
Lokey thought you were jacksepticeye
Old god, bet 🤣
Clearly the guy in the video is trying to be positive, for such a horrible, horrible expansion.
Yeah WoW 2 and a complete reset is the biggest threat to WoW, the jailer knew what Blizzard was planning
Like I've been saying on other videos, I feel this was to just write Zovaal's part out, Since the Epilogue was removed from the quest line in the PTR I feel they are pushing all the rest to patch 9.2.5.
And as for the threat to come, its nothing new its still what its always been, Light and Void clashing, that's all it is, that's all it has ever been. That is supposed to be the "True End Times"
Imagine the side villain (Denathrius) taking the spot light. Shows someone in their writing team has potential to be the lead writer but are holding them back… why???
Big Bad was just trying to save us yet again. OoOooOoOoo that which we dont know anything about is why i did bad. So we could beat the void OoOooOooooo….
Fuck Off
I hate it & I’ve been a casual player since wod for the most part. I mean this was just boring. I’m sorry but this expansion was so much worse than bfa and it isn’t even funny
So glad I quit 7-8 months ago lol. That was a joke. Their cinematics get shorter and shittier with each one that comes out. Blizz has gotten lazy altogether.
That's what you get for shilling for Blizzard so much.
They'll keep putting out these shitty ass cinematics and shitty ass story because when people like you will giving them the benefit of the doubt.
complete dogshit as usual bravo Blizzard
Jailers backstory felt really good tbh…why so little???
sargeras story copy pasted ;D
And he did absolutely nothing, Azeroth remains as same like in BFA xD What a joke cinematic, they didn't even make him look like a bad dude at the end.
20 years for this . Nice
i'm still like "who is the jailer??"
Lately, I have been in the minority when It comes to liking a cinematic. I have liked most of them in Shadowlands, but I didn't like this one. I didn't like the last one in BFA either. All the build-up and, just like in BFA, the ending for me was meh. I guess it's a fitting ending for a poorly written character, though.
I firmly believe they did not show The Primus in the cinematic because this was supposed to be in the game much earlier while we still did not know who The Primus was, but they scrapped that shit and put this abomination together instead.
Might be more in mythic though got to wait doubt it though but he didn't die he was unmade that's why that shell is there
This is such a disappointing ending. All the hype about the jailer and this is it. Wtf! What's the next villian, another hyped up character then shitty ending stating there's more to come cmon man…. wow just losing more players now. I think Wow 2, with a massive reset to the whole game, with new quests, better graphics and storyline would be better than another shit expansion.
Damn the end of the 20 year old "warcraft 3 saga" was so good and not at all poorly executed as if that wasn't the plan at all in the first place amirite?