Key Bindings Guide | World of Warcraft Shadowlands

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World of Warcraft Key Bindings Guide Shadowlands 9.0.1
WoW Guide How to Bind Keys, Key Bindings Settings and Key Bindings Examples.
00:00:26 Keyboard Layout
00:01:28 Key Bindings Settings
00:07:14 Druid Key Bindings
00:10:02 Priest Key Bindings
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11 thoughts on “Key Bindings Guide | World of Warcraft Shadowlands”

  1. Many of you have asked for a Key Bindings Guide and i finally managed to upload one. I hope this is will help many of you improve your gameplay and become better and better. Thank you for watching !

  2. Thanks to Mark Carter in the comments bellow, he has some good solutions for left handed players : "I use the numberpad along with the 6 keys to the left (that have insert/home/page-up/delete/end/page-down). I also make use of the arrow keys and I re-mapped the [Enter] button on the numberpad to be my [Control] modifier, and the + above it is [Tab] while also using number pad 0 as jump.

    It can still at times be a bit clunky, but with a lot of macros and for the ones who can afford a left handed gaming mouse like the Razor Naga, it all works just fine 🙂

    P.S. Anyone thinking of doing this should also re-map the number lock button with something else as it will turn off your entire numberpad when pressed, really annoying until I decided to re-map it."


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