What they Don't tell New world of warcraft players.

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Welcome to Azeroth, aspiring adventurers! In this video, we dive into the world of World of Warcraft, sharing some insights for new players. From navigating realms to your character creation, choosing the right class, and navigating dungeons, we’ve got you covered. dong forget to subscribe and comment your own tips to help other players on their journey!

Thanks for joining us today!

Lag Out.


7 thoughts on “What they Don't tell New world of warcraft players.”

  1. i feel like im character stuck all the time in the newer ones tho it sucks cause i just wanted to play but knowing where i've quested and what quests are good and do stuff is alot better than playing in most case of any real new expansions i feel i like to quest more than like grind and stuff i just get too upset and like never play do to the lack there of in any situation in game the little bit of saying hi to someone like 12 years ago wasn't a ingame possabiliity but nowadays you have toxic groups that will kick you to get a better tank to do the dungeon in like 16 min quicker all the dungeons are like pretty much over 40 min due to the average eat blank i have to deal with the other players so long and dreiery i like the part when i get like a 100 quests done in like a day that one i guess is always cool but nowadays all the quests it seems like are pretty much 3 quests here walk 10 min for 2 quests to take a extra 4 min and that i guess get's really old being like plasterd in a game that there isn't much to do but like 4 hours of content if you sat still…. but when you get down to it the little things in the game that made the game a game like 1 copper fish isn't even really being used and i kinda hate to say it but everyone that was poor had a game where you 'could get rich from 1 copper fish nowadays i throw hundreds of gold just to unlock fishing and the hierlooms i guess reset every like 6 months or something so i keep buying like 15.000 gold every 6 months to level a shaman thinkin im gonna get like totem action and it's like you're shield doesn't work bro the little bit of rpg that was a stand stil in the various types of ways that made working for 10 min so someone didn't have to spend 30 min on average i don't even think is in the game then they have like a services meter how f'd are you to walk into a town without 4 friends that little shame of asking for more gold when the game is giving silver for most quests is really not a attitude to the work for a hour get a hundred gold without dragging belly across three states….. i mean jesus man

  2. Lots of really good tips in here! Only other tip I would give is to choose two gathering professions on your first character (Herbalism, Mining, Skinning). It might sound exciting to pick some of the others but you'll spend a lot of money levelling them up and you can always swap later. Back in vanilla I chose Enchanting/Tailoring on my first character and I was always broke. With gathering professions you'll have a steady source of income.

  3. Great video. I wouldn't give up on guilds so easily thought. Yes there are a lot of drama riddled ones and even worse out there but just keep looking until you find one that fits you. The guild search option gives you a snippet of what to expect usually. Once The War Within starts it's prepatch Dragonflight will become the standard entry expansion for new players and "should" be a lot clearer to understand than Battle of Azeroth is lol. But yeah there's definitely things they forgot to inform people on when starting out. There used to be a game guide hidden in the files for players but who looks for those? Keep up the good work 🙂 New players can definitely use this video, I just wish I had a way to deliver it to them easier.

  4. Good points, but unless I'm mistaken (someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), I would add that boosting a character disqualifies that character from being able to do the Heritage Armor questline.


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