Legion Timewalking – Complete System Overview [Patch 9.1.5] | Shadowlands

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🎵 Outro: Unity – TheFatRat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg)

⏰ Timestamps
00:00 Intro
01:24 Keystones
02:13 Dungeons
03:16 Affixes
05:19 Loot
07:01 Unique Rewards
08:39 When?
10:02 Mage Tower Returning?
11:35 Outro

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7 thoughts on “Legion Timewalking – Complete System Overview [Patch 9.1.5] | Shadowlands”

  1. I don't understand how you can make a "Complete System Overview" when it hasnt even been put onto the PTR yet, and is filled with incomplete information and is heavily filled with guesswork? The affix doesn't have any description, we have no knowledge on if it will scale up or scale us down. We don't know these things. Please don't rush out videos for the sake of having them out when it doesn't make sense to release them.

  2. I really hope we get another chance at the limited time Druid forms… (speaking about Druid forms i want a ground travel form, like how we got the lunarwing owl for doing broken shore stuff, yaknow?)


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