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World of Warcraft Shadowlands can learn so many lessons from WoW Mists of Pandaria, if only Blizzard was willing to listen.
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ActiBlizz will never learn! = I will never serve!
I love being a worgen, its my favorite race 💯👍😎
The "story" is nonsensical. It's bad fanfiction. It doesn't fit in the universe. Steve Danuser removed all the Warcraft stuff and made it his personal fanfic. That's the reason it failed, not because it's going into "cosmic" stuff. If we were going into the Void, or dealing with the "Light Lords" or whatever they are, or the Titans, I think people would've liked it just fine. The problem is, Danuser REMOVED all of that, and added his own generic crap and acts like it was "behind the scenes" the whole time. Nobody likes big retcons like that. The Jailer is a generic doomsday villian. He has no personality, no motivations, no backstory…he's just Walmart Thanos, of course noone cares about him. It's not because it was "cosmic". It's because it was bad writing. Danuser is a no talent hack that thinks he is a writing genius. It will not get any better until he's gone and replaced by someone who can write.
And then we spent THE ENTIRE MOP expansion doing nazi shit to eachother. We even forgot there was a thunderking/sha or watever. We were so focused on killing eachother , Garrosh had to literally eat an old god's heart to, so one side could win and end this.
I recently went on a MoP private server because it was the expansion I learned how to play this game in and oh my god, first of all the game is actually fun, secondly I didn't realise how many spells were pruned as it has been so long, even though I was there for the transition into WoD, there are so many abilities. I was filling up my action bars like people did toilet paper during lockdown. Seriously though I miss wow when it was good, I didn't even follow the story back then I had an amazing time of it. Now it's like all you have to keep me in wow is the story and it's just so bad. Years and years of writing down the drain for what? Nipplesaurus Rex?
Still one of my favorite cinematics
It’s been a little over nine years since MoPs and I have yet still find the answer as to why still so many players hate the expansion. That expansion was easily top 3-4 four me!
The funny thing about that cutscene…Chen is also an outsider. He's not from Pandaria (granted his ancestors are, but they left centuries before).
maybe 10.0 we're finally cleaning up after Sylvanas and all the people who died and thereby better understand what it was about.
Problem is not a cosmic story per se it is the way the story is told and the characters handled. They have to fundamentally change this for any type of content to be viable again. We players have seen good story telling from other games.
MOP was good in terms of LORE because it didn't try to tell us 5 stories in 2 different patches 😀
MOP was good in terms of class design if you want to understand what i'm saying or why people saying that just go and play a little bit of private server leveling and end game of MOP with the class whatever class you pick and you will understand
MOP was good because it was the same but different game.I mean it was ORCS vs HUMANS but with a little bit of adventure MODE
do you remember when you first time step into jade forest and did the fighting with aliance and then start doing quests for pandarens?
till this day i love that because we were traveling around as adventurers not as HEROES OF THE HORDE or champions
we had the titles yes ..but in that strange land we were just random noobs runing around exploring
and blizzard nailed it
they never did that adventure feel again not in WOD because i knew about DRAENOR not in LEGION because i already knew about broken isles from W3
And they tried so hard in BFA with the coolest looking zones i have ever seen and the quests in zones were kind adventure but they felt more like i knew why am i here if you know what i'm saying
meanwhile i didn't why am i in pandaland i only know that horde or aliance is trying to take this island
and we over time explored the land and we found out about mogu and the other races about their hiustory
and this didn't happend in BFA sadly 😀 because there was so much to talk about with zandalari trolls .D
…is to ask why leaves fall… gravity?
Characters, going cosmic and there is no character doesn't sound good to me, what is the point.
Is like reading the silmarilion with out knowing middle Earth, the characters and struggles.
And just saying "this is cool isn't it?" But I don't have anything to care about
The fact that Blizzard thought Shadowlands was going to be super great moment hype… Is worrying
Cosmic lore is not the problem. The problem is that we still have no idea who the hell these characters are. Blizzard have set nothing up.
I think the Shadowlands failed beacause the major story beats are based on retcons and the worldbuilding is devoid of sense.
horde vs alliance is NOT eternal….
originally the alliance was resisting the FOREIGN INVADERS, now that they have land. they should have balanced out… but noooooooo blizzard banwashes you guys into insanity. there is no longer an existential chrisis to force them into batlle, let alone never ending battle
Story is so complex now a days that anyone that started after Cata will be lost, and each exp you are even more lost.
If you dont like books or lore investigation, you dont have A CLUE about anything
Cosmic stuff wasn't the issue it was the way it was handled that made it fail.