Let's Play World of Warcraft: Shadowlands (Torghast – The Upper Reaches Layers 1 & 4)

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Hey everyone!

Welcome back to Basic Level Gaming! Today we are headed back into Torghast as usual. This time we change it up a bit though. Before we get to that we need to do a quick quest for reputation with Ve’Nari in the Maw. Then we head into The Upper Reaches. Being unsure of this particular area, we start off in layer 1. That went even easier than expected, so we take another shot at it. This time we go into Layer 4. I got a little nervous at first because there were several elites on each floor, but it really was smooth. Not only did we earn a fair amount of soul ash, we even get the runecarver memory that is highest rated for feral druids!

Be sure to join us tomorrow when we take a shot at another layer 4 and complete some more world quests!

Thank you and have a great day!


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