Let's Play World of Warcraft THE WAR WITHIN – Prepatch – Let's Chill and Chat About WoW

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2 thoughts on “Let's Play World of Warcraft THE WAR WITHIN – Prepatch – Let's Chill and Chat About WoW”

  1. I really appreciate these videos, I haven’t had a computer to play on a long time unfortunately and watching these is JUST enough to feed my WoW fix haha. No commentary is boring so the time to time talk I love. Thank you for these videos

  2. But Robert, you should take the high road.

    Seriously though, I'm afraid you don't really have a high road to take in this case. On that fight everyone actually DID die, except the tank who died on the pull before that one (yes, the healer wasn't the best). They all immediately released and ran back to help finish the fights. The healer actually ran in TWICE and you died because he was not there, not because he gave up on healing you from taking unavoidable damage ("unavoidable damage" being, in this case, 2 ranged mobs the tank didnt pick up). Fact is mistakes were made all around but every single member of this group released when dying on trash and ran back in, which took them about 20 seconds, while you were sitting dead for a full minute waiting for the healer to run back and res you… Of course he would call you lazy when you call him on not ressing.

    So please try not to assume the worst of people (as hard as the people playing this game make it sometimes), dont kick people for not resing you when you might not have all the information. Heck, you yourself on the very next run, while being to only class capable of ressing, didn't bother to ress the poor healer that died just before the last boss, making him run all the way back. It happens, people wont play perfectly, there is no need to ruin the run for 4 people just because the healer didnt res you.


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