Level 29 Fury Warrior Twink (Shadowlands) December 29, 2020 by Sev Shazam Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg Leveling my old level 49 Fury Warrior twink. Still does some work even after all the nerfs and Shadowlands class changes. source
what equipment are you wearing, if its possible, can i twink in this current expansion, or its not viable, ty btw 🙂 Reply
Level 29 with mount and annoying music in the background? Yep, that has to be a Retail WoW player! 😉 Reply
How are you not getting a separate Que??
what equipment are you wearing, if its possible, can i twink in this current expansion, or its not viable, ty btw 🙂
next time u level through pick up a pair of untamed blades for that juicy proc !
Wait, so should I twink at 29 instead of 20?
Nice 2012-style video
music is wack. video pretty much just as wack
This isnt wow… come on…
Level 29 with mount and annoying music in the background? Yep, that has to be a Retail WoW player! 😉
cool vid, love the song
You did it right
Title is lvl 29 twink then you say it is lvl 49…wtf
Seems like my man is going through a heartbreak and taking it out on everyone in the Bg's lol