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Hi guys, a lot of you commented on my previous Unholy Mage Tower guide regarding my good gear and high dps. To create a more difficult and possibly more realistic environment, I created a lvl 50 trial character and ran the Mage Tower with the gear I received from it. I hope you enjoy it!
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Do the artifact weapons and legendaries from legion work in the tower?
the amount of times I've died to boulders is almost unbelievable
Great stuff!
Have you tried UH Assault? That seemed to add some feels good haste
Sylvan elixir is also a huge stat buff when doing this challenge on top of using some of the old legendaries simply for stats.
It's honestly great to see its that I suck and not because of gear. Do you think you'll do this for the frost dk?
Ebon Fever made this so much easier
now do it on fire mage and cry because its VERY undertuned lmao 👌
Pretty cool breakdown!
That's much closer to what I'm seeing. Thanks for posting, was very interesting to watch.
Big thanks for doing this. Reassured me that I'm not quite as bad as I thought 😂😭
Enable PvP – Put Spellwarding talent on. Zone into the encounter and it keeps the PvP talent on as a glitch giving you massive magic immunity during the fight.
Lol nice, I noticed in the first video you said Agatha was at 60 and in my attempts she was usually around 75