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Hey guys here with my mage tower challenge for Retribution Paladin kill, it was really fun and the fight is pretty intense lots of dodge, soak and movement, although some bugs like divine storm not hitting everything sometimes and sanctifed wrath not working we got it done about 12 attempts
Repentance MACRO: Remember to make Sigryn your focus target makes the fight a lot easy just copy paste this
#showtooltip repentance
/cast [@focus] repentance
Aweome, thanks for the guide. I will start preparing to do this challenge once again 😀
Ps: As ilvl scales down, it is important to mention you can use your old expansion legendaries (except for the legion ones) and old gear with lots of sockets.
I did it with final reckoning
For some reason without it blasting the shield on the caster is a pain and very clutch
Not impossible but very clutch
At least paladin retribution has the same rotation. Protection has 1 less spell xp