Magic Magy reacts to ALL World of Warcraft Cinematics

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The Burning Crusade
Wrath Of The Lich King
Mists Of Pandaria
Warlords Of Draenor
Battle For Azeroth


26 thoughts on “Magic Magy reacts to ALL World of Warcraft Cinematics”

  1. The first cinematic you're watching is actually the trailer for the newest expansion that will come out in the summer, called "The War Within". Most fans were very impressed by the quality, the attention to detail. You can see all the pores and individual hairs on Anduin's face (the human), the signs of aging on Thrall's face (the orc), the marks of wear and tear on the armors, the sword.
    3:20 the phrase "I have no Light" is very emotionally charged, doubly so because he is a paladin and a priest (which get their powers from the Light). Prior to this cinematic, in the "Shadowlands" expansion, he was mind controlled and did unspeakable things while not in control of his body, which is why he is so traumatized now.

  2. 5:25 this is the original cinematic for World of Warcraft, when it launched back in 2003-2004. We can see all the original races introduced as well as some classes they can play as (dwarf hunter, tauren shaman, night elf druid, undead warlock etc)

  3. 8:12 this is the trailer for the first World of Warcraft expansion, called "The Burning Crusade". The narrator is the guy you see in the last scene, with the wings and tattoos. His name is Illidan Stormrage. In the trailer, we can see both the original races and classes and also the 2 new introduced races, called Blood Elves (pretty elf lady) and the Draenei (big dude in armor, with tentacles on his face). The first scene you see, with the portal – that was the place where players gathered, entered the portal to get into the expansion's newest zone, a planet called Outland, formed of 7 new zones. The ruler of Outland was Illidan at the time and the players fought to dethrone him.

  4. 10:35 this is the trailer for the 2nd WoW expansion, called "Wrath of the Lich King". It's widely regarded as one of the best WoW trailers and expansions, bringing a conclusion to Arthas Menethil's story (he is the guy we see in the trailer, although at that point he was also the entity called "The Lich King").
    The soundtrack is hauntingly beautiful and the voice that narrates everything is his father's. It's very ironic, the way his father says how the day Arthas was born, the very forests of Lordaeron (the kingdom over which his father, king Terenas Menethil, ruled) whispered his name, all while we see only snow and dead scenery around him. His father also tells us how Arthas grew into a weapon of righteousness (he turned into a monster), how the Menethil line always ruled with wisdom and strength (Arthas only took rash decisions and lacked the strength to stay on the right path), how Arthas will show restraint when using his power (he shows anything but restraint, ressurecting a huge dragon, showing us the huge undead army he raised in the background). The most ironic part however is when his father says "the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people", which normally means being charismatic, knowing how to lead your people and he says all that while we see Arthas' massive army of people he raised into undeath, none of them having souls/hearts to stir anymore.

  5. I dipped in during the panda land expansion 🤫🤷‍♂️ it was the appropriate timing, everything changes, slowly then all at once. Im glad for my little moment in the sun healing for a team, back when the game was in fluctuation and the rules were uh… sometimes wildly off. 😅👍

  6. 13:30 this is the trailer for the 3rd WoW expansion, called "Cataclysm". The narrator is the big dragon that destroys everything. His name is Deathwing, formerly known as Neltharion. He used to be one of the 5 Aspects (dragons empowered to watch over Azeroth, the planet), the Aspect of Earth, but he was driven mad and corrupted, which eventually resulted into his current form.
    In the trailer, we can see how goblins are using metal plates to keep his body from falling apart and every time he moves, in agony and anger, the world above suffers as he does. The earth cracks open, the seas raise huge waves. As Aspect of the Earth, he has complete dominion over everything involving the ground, the underground.

  7. 15:30 this is the trailer for the 4th WoW expansion, called "Mists of Pandaria". In this one, we can see representants from both factions (the Horde and the Alliance) discovering a new land (Pandaria, the new continent introduced in this expansion) and the new race, called the Pandaren. The one they fight against is called Chen Stormstout.
    17:25 you wouldn't be wrong at all, we can see the Kung Fu Panda inspiration in this expac, with how excited Pandaren are about food, drinking, the martial arts.

  8. 18:50 this is the trailer for the 5th WoW expansion, called "Warlords of Draenor".
    With this cinematic, the theme is "rejecting your fate/destiny and making your own instead". In the original timeline, the orcs were subjugated by the demons, they were fed demon blood which made them very strong, turning their skin green (orcs are originally brown/grey coloured) but leaving them addicted to this demon blood. Now, in this trailer, we see an alternate timeline, where their leader, Grommash Hellscream, refuses "the gift", angering Mannoroth (the big demon). The reason for refusal is the orc with the hoodie, Garrosh Hellscream, who came to Draenor (the planet the trailer shows) with some time travel magic. In the original timeline, where Garrosh comes from, his father Grommash sacrificed himself to kill Mannoroth and free the orcs from the curse of the demon blood. In this timeline, which we see in the trailer, he warns his alternate father about it all, choosing to focus on technology instead of demon blood.
    The pose at 21:30, with Grommash sitting in front of a dying Mannoroth who is about to explode, that is an homage to one of the Warcraft 3 cinematics, in which we see how the original timeline Grommash kills Mannoroth and dies from the explosion. Here, instead, we see Garrosh save his alternate timeline father, knowing full well how he died in the original timeline. In the last scene, you can see the Dark Portal being built, the same portal used by the original Horde to invade Azeroth from Draenor, and the same portal you saw in the second trailer, which leads to Outland (Outland is the broken, destroyed Draenor).

  9. 22:42 this is the trailer for the 6th WoW expansion, called "Legion". You can see both the Alliance and the Horde fighting together against an invasion of The Burning Legion. The Alliance leader, king Varian Wrynn leads the alliance forces and Sylvanas Windrunner (leader of the Undead faction, which is part of the Horde) is the elf lady who helps him on their flying airships.
    The letter Varian is writing is to his son Anduin (you saw him in the first cinematic) and he is also the narrator of this trailer.

  10. 26:12 this is the trailer for the 7th WoW expansion, called "Battle for Azeroth". You can see Undercity (the capital city of the Undead) being sieged by the Alliance lead by Anduin and his advisor, king Genn Greymane, leader of the kingdom of Gilneas, which is the Worgen (wolf people, werewolves) capital city. The reason they siege Undercity is the destruction of the Night Elf (they are part of the Alliance) capital city and World Tree called Teldrassil. The undead burned it to the ground, killing a great deal of night elves in the process, commiting a monstrous war crime in the process so now the Alliance is retaliating, wanting to capture Sylvanas Windrunner, who orchestrated the entire thing.

    30:12 this is a cinematic that happens after the Siege of Undercity is over. Varok Saurfang (the orc) is captured and from his dialogue with Anduin, you can see how much he hates what Sylvanas turned his beloved Horde into.

    33:05 this is a cinematic that happens after the previous one. Anduin allows Saurfang to escape. Our old orc goes to Outland and visits an old friend, Thrall, the former Warchief (think of it as supreme commander) of the Horde. He's asking him to come back and help him retake the Horde from Sylvanas. As you can see, the assassins that ambush them are sent by Sylvanas to kill them, to remove any threat to her rule. At 34:52 the camera focuses on Saurfang's necklace, showing it burnt and making Thrall realize that even someone as dedicated to the Horde as Saurfang had his moment of doubt and that shows what terrible thing Sylvanas did by burning down Teldrassil – it made Saurfang lose his hope in an honorable Horde.

    36:53 this is the last cinematic from the Battle for Azeroth expansion, in which we see Sylvanas revealing her true colors, announcing she isn't loyal to the Horde either, the faction she is supposed to lead, being their Warchief. Not only that but she also cheated by using magic against Saurfang in their duel. The name of the duel is called Mak'gora in orc tongue and it means honorable duel to the death. Cheating by using magic or poison or any other hidden trick is forbidden and considered a great dishonor.

  11. 43:07 this is the trailer for the 8th WoW expansion, called "Shadowlands". In this one, we can see Sylvanas, after killing Saurfang, reaching Icecrown Citadel (the fortress where the Lich King resides). The Lich King she fights is a different one than Arthas, who was defeated at the end of "Wrath of the Lich King". In his place, a former paladin called Bolvar Fordragon put on the Helm of Domination, becoming the new Lich King. There must always be a Lich King, to keep in check the vast hordes of undead residing on the northen continent called Northrend, otherwise they would go feral and take over the world.
    Sylvanas does the unthinkable, defeating the Lich King and destroying the Helm of Domination, which in turn shatters the veil between Azeroth and the Shadowlands (the afterlife of Warcraft, where souls go after death) – this is the new zone of this expansion.
    The reason this new Lich King looks so much like "ice and fire" is because, prior to donning the Helm of Domination and becoming the Lich King, he was a former paladin who lead and assault against the original Lich King, Arthas. The assault failed when Sylvanas' undead attacked both the Lich King and the Horde and Alliance who were battling the Lich King. Sylvanas' forces used a new version of the plague (magic disease that turns living creatures into undead) which killed everyone on the battlefield, except Arthas who escaped. Bolvar Fordragon was about to die himself but then the Red Dragonflight, led by Alexstrazsa herself (the Aspect of Life) came down and burned the plague away with dragon fire. Because of that dragon fire and Alexstrasza's power over life, Bolvar was cured of the plague but his body was burned beyond recognition. Now, as the Lich King, he is neither dead, nor alive, an abomination being kept alive by Life Magic and Undeath at the same time.

  12. 48:07 this is the trailer for the 9th WoW expansion, the one we're currently in, called "Dragonflight". In it, you can see Watcher Koranos trying to reawaken the Dragon Isles and dispell the mists around it, in the process allowing the Dragonflights ( Red – Life, Black – Earth, Green – Dream, Yellow – Time, Blue – Magic) to return home after 10k years. The dragons are the guardians of Azeroth, empowered by the Titans (alien race of highly advanced beings who travel through the universe seeding planets with life and ordering them) to protect Azeroth (which is a titan herself) from any threats, external or internal.
    The narrator is Alexstrasza, leader of the Red Dragonflight and Queen of all dragons.
    At 53:05 you can see a promotional cinematic, showing us Dragonriding (an expansion feature that allows players to ride dragons in new and exciting ways). It also introduces us to Raszageth – the Incarnate of Storm – one of the 4 antagonists/villains of this expansion.
    At 54:32 we can also see the new playable race, called Dracthyr, which are dragonkin. They can currently only be one class, called Evoker.
    At 54:58 we can see Alexstrasza again, in all her glory.

  13. Some of my oldest World of Warcraft characters are old enough to vote, so I’m very familiar with the trailers. Odd that they put the one for the next expansion first, otherwise it was in chronological order. The blond human Anduin was just 10 years old when the original game launched.


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